Some totally random stuff
by NeitherSparky on Comments
I actually saw my snake, Duchess, last night. You'd think I'd see my own pet more often but Duchess is very shy, and is afraid of people, so she hides all day and only comes out at night. Sometimes I can see her by the dim light of her blacklight heatlamp, slithering around in there. And she's actually a very vocal snake: she hisses quite a bit, and no, it's not an upper respitory infection wheeze, which I have heard and can identify. She just hisses. So I hear her all the time but never see her. But last night I decided to get up and thaw out a mouse for her since she was so active (that usually means she'll eat) and she was stretched out across the tank. So I actually got to see her. She didn't even hide while I opened the tank up later and put the mouse in. She was probably just too terrified to move or something but who cares. She's really pretty, wish I could see her more often. In the morning the mouse was still there...again. :roll: I wish I could make her understand that the little boogers aren't *free* or anything. My left hip hurts. There's nothing like a botched insulin injection to wake you up in the morning. I'm still in pain...and that was *yesterday's* injection. :? Yeah. Never accidentally twist the needle a little bit and go, "Oh, I can do the injection anyways, it'll be fine!" Like my new banner? Lol I found that screencap lurking on my computer last night. Speaking of computers I had to admit my stupidity to a total stranger yesterday. I needed to order another removable media drive for my computer - the same one I had ordered several months ago. But I couldn't identify the correct one on the company website, so I had to call them up and ask them to look me up and just put me down for "the same thing I ordered last time." I felt like such a major moron. But at least the thing was on sale! And I am like, one sentance away from finishing a fanfic. I so hate that. Oh and somebody shoot me, I caught myself contemplating taking another editorless guide yesterday. :shock: