Well, by now a goodly portion of you have been hit by the 'Five Things' tag. While on the face of it I really dislike this sort of thing, I have to admit I actually enjoyed reading about everyone and watching to see how far this thing has spread. I was even able to get 'Spouse into the spirit of it, since chain ANYTHING normally sends him into raving, ranting conniptions. After he read a few, though, he agreed to go along with it, and even went so far as to admit it was kind of. . . fun. But wow, there's al LOT of them out there! As I mentioned elsewhere, it's almost like watching the Umbrella Corporation take over GS! You 5-Thing zombie, you. I'll just ignore the fact I'd be munching humanity with the rest of the world. . . I wondered how long it had been going on before I caught wind of it. I've got a decent-sized Friend List but GS is a big place and there's plenty of people out there I don't know (though I can say I now know more of you than I did previously!)
In fact, I got so curious about where Ground Zero was, I decided to do a little back-tracking and see how far back I could find it. (I also wondered how many users wanted to strangle this mystery person, but I'd cross that bridge when I got there - I didn't want blood on my hands!). So how do I start this mission, anyway? Hm, I knew I got tagged about a day after I noticed the first of the Five Things post (from here on out in the interest of brevity to be known as the "FT") in my Tracked Blogs list. That first post was dante_123456. So off I went to check his blog.
Dante said he was tagged by his friend dj_pulserfan, so after I perused his Contact list I went to that blog (and decided to use the friend tracking on the Forums tab after that point). dj_pulserfan was tagged by MoonFoxx, someone I don't think I've ran across before (whoa, already off the beaten path!). Whoops, MoonFoxx got tagged twice and did two of the FT blogs, so scroll down to the first one. . . ah,that would be jaydough. The waters got a bit muddied here; he says Toshy, also known as ff7fan2 was the one who tagged him, so that's two names to try. The second one turned out to be the correct one, so from ff7fan2 I found Cougarhart61, also known as Benge (God bless ff7fan2, she had him linked). His tagger was hungry_bunny, who also was kind enough to have the next link tagged, Yagr_Zero. And here I stalled.
Yagr_Zero didn't put who tagged him! AAAGGGHHH, how dare he?!?!?! Well, I'm not going to stand. . . er, sit for that. Time to check HIS Tracked Blogs. Okay, I'm getting a headache. . . let's find the first blog HE had listed with the FT. Wait just a minute here. . . the first one showing is 2ndWonder, who says he got tagged by ff7fan2? Hold up, I'm stuck in a loop here. . . damn, do I have any aspirin? Wait, wait. . . there's about three blogs that sound like they could be the ones who started it, they don't have anyone listed as being the one to tag them, and the way they explain it it sounds like they're just starting, but three of them? Maybe I could PM them. . . nah, that's taking the fun out of searching, only now I'm wondering if I have anything stronger than aspirin around the house. . .
Okay, it's at this point that I decide I need to go take a nap. I also have the realization that now that I have gone through the grief of trying to track it, there's probably going to be about 20 people to stand up and say, "Oh, I know who began it, it was JoeShmoe (or whoever). . .
Curse my curious mind.