You know, one of the things about birthdays is that the older you get, the less fun they tend to be. And this one by rights should be no exception to me.
FORTY!?!?!?! WTF?!?!?!? When did I get HERE? Is that why the postman gives me funny looks when he delivers my Shojo Beat? Didn't I used to think twenty-eight was old? Does this mean I have to finally give up all my Converse sneakers now? :lol: Eh, oh well. I've lived a long time being an immature brat, no need to change my wicked ways now.
All that flies through my head, and straight out the other side. Of course, it was followed up with the abject terror that my sisters would show up with the obligatory tombstone cake and black balloons that usually herald those monumental birthdays in my family. Terror at having my age rubbed in my face? Um, not really... I had about 3 hours of sleep before the calls from friends started rolling in. Ew, cheerful people before I've had my coffee. If they weren't my friends I'd wish them into a bottomless pit of horror, despair and small sharp objects. I was aiming for naptime, and siblings arriving meant me having to act like there was nothing I'd rather do than look like a frank idiot in an Over The Hill hat. Nap, forced merriment, nap, forced merriment....heck, it's DAYLIGHT out there! You want me awake AND gleeful in strong sunlight? *shudder* Fortunately, the nap was able to take precedence, as only one sister showed up and not until a few hours ago. And she arrived sans the cornball claptrap party favors. THANK YOU, LORD.
So now I sit here, trying to recap some message of what it's like surviving four decades, and what I come up with is... meh, whatever. Yah, the body's been around the block a few times but the soul is the same as it ever was. I didn't need bells and whistles, but just hearing from my friends here and there (though I strongly question their clock-reading skills) has been more than satisfying for me. Last week, I got taken out to lunch and just before that to a Halloween haunted house, and that was actually a lot more awesome than anything I could have gotten wrapped up. (yeah, yeah, who doesn't like material stuff? But one was a friend who had joined up with the Air Force that I hadn't seen in a while, and it was great getting the crowd together - we all work different hours, so it took some juggling to pull us all togeter into one group!) Perhaps as birthdays go, pretty low key, but I'm content with it. Shoot, I must be getting old....:P Trying to reflect on the futility of aging isn't really me, and definitely I don't want to wax maudlin about it. Big whoop, I'm older. My life is good and grand, and it has nothing to do with my ability or luck in surviving to this age. No dramatic changes, no feelings of a life wasted or whatever. I have what's important to me, and so I'm quite happy, birthday or not.
So wish me happy birthday, and stick around for a while, yes? Because all of you are part of what makes my life a joyous thing indeed (and I don't have to worry about any of you calling me at naptime, either).