Hi peeps, been a bit, eh?
Well, if some of you have checked out Spooksspouse's profile, you know BOTH of us have been AWOL. For him, he was fighting off a major flu-type bug that wasn't meshing well with some of his other health problems, which led me to pull all the overtime at work I could to make up the deficit. Luckily (or maybe NOT!) we had a new press arrive at work, which needed some new templates set up in my department (I'll spare you the details). Being that I'm the template expert, I was definitely not short on work opportunities.
Among other things, we were fortunate enough that once our stimulus check arrived, a friend of mine decided to sell his Wii - only a few months old, but he'd been unemployed for the last two months and needed the cash. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS! HALLELUJIA! I was afraid I'd have to resort to ordering one online; they have been NOWHERE to be found in the local stores when I had the money, and of course there's always two or three when you don't! So for a couple of hundred bucks, one Wii with two controllers, and 5 or 6 games (I say "5 or 6" because we GOT 5, but his sister has the Star Wars Lego game so we're still waiting on that). And since we had a bit left after catching up on expenses, I was able to splurge on ME and finally got my PSP....the Daxter pack with the memory card and Daxter game. The Family Guy vid was bequeathed to my nephew, though.....I really do NOT care for that show at all! I also purchased Jeanne D'Arc and Manhunt 2 to go with it. Sadly, I've not had the time yet to devote to playing much with it, but what spare time I have has been pulled into Jeanne D'Arc. It's been a fabulous tactical game, and there's something sort of wacky about lots of anime-type characters with French accents! I've only tinkered briefly with Manhunt - it looks like incredible fun but I'm focusing on D'Arc first before I try to tackle it.
On a side note, I should mention that I also recently began working out, too. While tending to the 'spouse and pulling beaucoup overtime I started really realizing my own health was suffering (lack of sleep has that effect, yes? :lol: ) My blood pressure went pretty high, and grabbing whatever's handy for a quick bite is NOT the way to spend a few months, at least not when you're over thirty-five. So when our local Curves offered a special (one year for $34 a month, for a one-year contract with no membership fee) I decided to start doing something about it. It actually didn't affect my schedule much....it's a half-hour workout three times a week, and right after I dropped the Spooksspawn off at her school I'd head right over to the gym and get there when they opened. Of course, now she's out of school but I'm not pulling the overtime so I have a much more open schedule to go when I please! Currently, I'm in that weird limbo where you haven't lost any pounds, but you definitely have lost SOMETHING because suddenly all your clothes are pretty baggy....wow. I haven't done the actual measuring yet to find out HOW many inches I lost, but I'm already seeing and feeling the results, so I can say with full confidence that I'm happy I started it and the numbers are really moot.
Meh, duty calls, but I just wanted to give everyone a shout-out and let you know I'll be back on again for a bit. At least until the NEXT emergency! :lol: Let me know how you're all doing, and I'll check out the blogs later. BIG GLOMPY HUGS TO ALL!!!!
Love you guys, Neko!