It's the wee hours of the New Year, said year not even seven hours old. We stayed awake long enough to see midnight (the lil' one didn't make it past 9:00, she passed out in my lap), had a quick sip o' bubbly & went to bed. Unfortunately my internal Timex is telling me this is my awake-time so here I am, typing. You know, I have had plenty of wild-party New Years, a few spent at a radio station when the hubby had to work, and a few where I just went to bed early & replaced the calender in the morning, I have spent New Year's with close friends, no friends, and one memorable one spent in the company of several drag queens. Those end-of-the-year celebrations mark a lot of different Jo's, but I'm amazingly content with the one I am now. It's been a long, strange journey, but it's had a helluva lot of scenery.
Happy New Year, all. Hope your road is a smooth one.
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