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Oops, I did it again...

Just a couple of pre-bedtime rambles....I seem to be stuck in a few grooves, lately...

    -Hm, somehow I made officer again - this time in The Squaresoft Union.  This one needs some work but peabrain1 has put some hard effort into it, and I think it could really shine with a little polishing.  Stripeknight was kind enough to let them affiliate with PSW so I hope membership picks up, like most small unions it needs more active members.  After that big long blog I wrote about unions I'm starting to feel like a hypocrite...still, peabrain1 is a very cool cat and I'd really like to help her out, so I'll just have to get over that, won't I? :lol:

    -For some strange reason I like to save my :oops: ultra-D'OH! :oops: moments for the Silent Hill Resort.  I like the crowd in this union, they're very relaxed - I think maybe I get on there and relax past the point of coherent thought, thereby enabling whatever functioning brain cells that are still awake the opportunity to short-circuit on me.  Still, Lus is a very forgiving guy (thank GOD, I think anybody else would have strangled me by now!).  It's appreciated, big fella!  (I can hear you now, "Don't be so hard on yourself...")  Yeh, I'm a perfectionist, self-bashing is my hobby - allow me the luxury of wallowing in my private pity-party :P  Maybe I should start posting there first off, and save my big boo-boos for Stripey....JUST KIDDING BOSS!  REALLY! :D Actually I did do one on PSW - I deleted a thread by do you delete a thread by accident?  Be NekoTheSpook, and you too shall know the true terror...

-Had to listen to my mom get morbid.  She's going in for back surgery next week, and she felt the need to start talking about if she dies during the surgury she's told my sisters I get the house, and she didn't care if she croaked because of all the pain the degenerated disc puts her through...yeh she does need to convey her wishes but good grief, Mom...she's even got it mapped out for me how much taxes and the freakin' LAWN SERVICE is going to cost me a month.  Then she says, "Oh, don't worry about taking off of work, I'll go stay at your sister's house while I'm healing".  It makes sense because Tammy's a nurse but the whole thing made me feel a bit like "We got it covered, don't need you, and everybody else will take care of you".  Maybe it's because I'm the baby of the family, it's not like I'm an irresponsible person. I'm probably just reading more into it than I need to (see, Sithy, you're not the only one!)

-I am so far behind everything I want to do.  I haven't had time to finish Okami and I got 3 games just sitting around.  Got a lot of overtime at work going on, and trying to catch up on chores and still having enough time to spend with my family.  Oh yeah, also got a stack of books to finish reading 8).  I got a few that you guys recommended to me, currently finishing off Blue Like Jazz.  At least I read fast - makes me feel like I'm getting something accomplished, anyway.

Okay, enough, Neko!  I gotta get some sleep, peeps.  Love all you guys, peace out.