The issues most likely has to do with the online multiplayer functionality of the switch or the sleep functionality and how a souls game is supposed to be reliant on fires to save and stop which isn't functional on a mobile platform like the switch. I was initially upset with the news as I thoroughly enjoy the mobility aspect which I personally find useful and more important then the increase graphical power of the ps4 version so despite being able to buy it on the PS4 I will most likely still hold out for the switch version. My guess is that it will come out near the end of August right before the paid online service begins on the Switch.
I hate this DLC model. I miss the old school fighting games where you had to unlock characters by fighting and beating the game (Super Smash Bros or Marvel vs Capcom 2 on the Dreamcast comes to mind). I love DC and I really enjoy the vibe of the first game but I guess I just haven't evolved with the fighting franchise as I also dislike the juggling aspect of modern fighters and because of that I don't grow to level where I can compete in most of the in-game features and modes. What I want to be a day one purchase will probably be reduced to waiting for the discounted version of the ultimate/unlimited addition.
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