i bought it on principal to support sp only games, since of all this multiplayer junk that had plagued gaming as of late.despite all that i enjoyed it and playyed through it a couple of times
longer campain, seing as multiplayer bores me i wont be buying the game unless the campain is atleast 8 hours and has good reveiws for story
[QUOTE="ferret-gamer"]Metro 2033.HaloReachGOTYdoes that game even have multiplayer?what does having multiplayer got to do with how good the game is?i think halo reach will probably win, unlike most people i acually enjoyed bc2 sp and despised the mp, overall id have to vote for reach though
Ah, and have you tried playing foreign NTSC original Xbox games on your 360 ?RoyalWCheesenope, that i cant say if its possible or not, you might wanna try googling it
[QUOTE="Nemesis4747"]im not sure about U.S games but i can play NTSC J(japan/china) on it with no problemsRoyalWCheese And you are playing on a PAL xbox ?yep aussie PAL
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