Ok so I decided that I want to become a Let's Player .
I think that would be a way for me to play through all those scary games, since I would be talking and narrating the whole game, and it makes me feel safe, as silly as it sounds :P
The problem I have is, that im a bit shy when it comes to speaking in English, and I did make a Lets Play start on penumbra overture, and im uploading it now on youtube. I want to finish it, but I just need a bit of courage to properly speak to my mic :3 eeeeee im a nervous weirdo!
I will give a link to the lets play video that I made, but please dont be too mean ^^
I also wanted to thank everyone for all the comments you give me on my blog, its much appriciated! :3
if you guys got any tips on being a "Lets player" then go ahead, and give me some! ^^
Im gonna go back into uploading the video to youtube!
Edit: here is the first part, rest are coming soonish, when the uploading is done x.x
the link might not work, and for some reason the whole thing is mostly out of synch with voice and video -.-