"A day late and a buck short" would best describe Gamespot lately. It happens every few months or so but these past few weeks post Wii launch have been BORRRRING!!
Instead of cramming their way through great Wii titles and rating them undeservedly low, Gamespot should have paced themselves and spread out the reviews.
It's 12/12/2006 and every day has been the same SNOOZEFEST links for the past 2 weeks. Again, BOOORRRING.
This the biggest season in gaming, arguably in years and Gamespot has nothing to offer but pessimistic reviews that reek of burnout.
What's worse is the reviews are mediocre in quality AND have been coming out late. I thought they received games before release date to review. Maybe I am wrong, but if I am not, how disappointing.
This week has many promising titles. I hope Gamespot can put out some interesting and timely reviews. Gamespot has largely been the best source of gaming information for a long time. But I have no idea what is up with Gamespot these days. I hope they can pull it together. I am optimistic.
If it came down to it however, I would much rather wait a week for a good solid review as opposed to the pessimistic burnout grinch scrooge reviews that Gamespot has been cranking out. BLAH!