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Adam Sessler's RE5 Review?

I think both gamers and critics a like have been a bit more skeptical of Resident Evil 5 after the demo. But many people hope that the game will shine. Before I get into it, I loved Resident Evil 2 and 4! The 4th installment was definitely a much needed improvement over the original 3 on the Playstation, and Resident Evil 0 on the GameCube. I personally felt timid about RE5 after the demo simply because the controls didn't make any advancement since the last game, considering how farthe action genre has come. Not to mention the singleplayer AI made me shake my head.

Today is the day Resident Evil 5 is released, and many gamers are out playing with it! One of the most conflicting reviews it received was from X-Play's Adam Sessler. It received an average score of a 3 out 5. From all the good reviews I've seen much of the cons remained the same throughout each overview, including at X-Play. Adam's review is definitely hype, innovation, and potential versus the actual design of the game.

There's the video review, written review, and Adam's Soapbox which is really interesting. The Soapbox(which was done before the video review was posted) has Adam talking about why he gave RE5 a score below the medium most critics are giving it. The thing is, he makes a veryinteresting point which is really hard to argue against. At the sametime he also say that it's all up to the gamer's gut feeling to decide what he or she enjoys.

With that said, and my own previous opinion I am now kind of hesistant. I not only want to purchase RE5. I also would like MadWorld, LBP, Tales of Vesperia, and MGS4. But I don't want to be a greedy gamer so I am only choosing two this afternoon.