NeoGen85 / Member

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Barack Obama is the new President!

Obama is now the President of the United States! Now, regardless of who I voted for(which will still remain a secret) there is something that I feel that some others may not. As a young Black African American man, I would have to say this is influential for me. This has put more drive in myself(as if I didn't have enough) and I am excited to live during this time to be able to tell my own future children.

I was one of those independent voters that both McCain and Obama were trying to win over in the last couple of months in the presidential race. As a black voter that is extremely rare. I thought both made good arguments to their policies. For myself one reason why I liked McCain was due to his experience, and his ideas for foreign policies. Especially against more aggressive nations; but at the sametime I wouldn't want to see another Iraq War. But my idea was more of a reference towards the situation in eastern Europe. But Obama's experience just had me worried about that topic, and I think that was my real concern. Plus I feel his tax plans is almost like socialism, even though it would still benefit myself.

But in the end as a Black man, whether I voted for McCain or not. Young black people, especially the men, need someone like him to prove to people that they can be more then just entertainment. They can be more then just basketball and football players; rappers, etc. It goes back to the dream of Martin Luther King. As as for young Americans(not just black), we all feel a unity. There's still separation amongst us, but this type of change we feel "tonight" is more emotional and mental then political.

One reason why Barack Obama's campaign worked versus other Black politicians is that he isn't about Black politics, because being President of a multi-cultural society requires you to be more then that. But his campaign represented a lifestyle that most Black people who try to gain success in America go through. None of us thought Obama would even beat Hilary Clinton, and he pretty much his campaign had little money. And that's it; his campaign went from something extremely small and unnoticed to the President of the United States.

Now as America we still don't know who Barack Obama is but his term is going to show us his true colors, whether they be good or bad.