Good Lord. So I made the mistake of eating some bad lunch and watching Grandma's Boy which someone suggested(SymonDezyn). Have you ever tried to maintain your composure from a bad stomach ache, and watch a hilarious movie at the sametime. I can't believe I didn't see this movie when it first came out. Of course I watched it at the worst time. I ate a bad sandwich and It just &%^% me up! At least I had something to entertain me thru my agony. Best scene in the movie is when actress, Linda Edna Cardellini, rapped to a remix of Push It. That right there is funny as hell, and a turn on!
You know what? Out of all the games coming out between now and September sadly the one I am most anticipated for his NHL 09. Yes, sports over RPGs, and action games. I refuse to play Madden ever since the NFL cut that deal with EA. But I heard they had a Pro Mode where you are a individual player trying to come up. Well, in NHL 09 they'll have that, but also a online Pro mode! You control your individual player on the ice, and your teammates are controlled by other gamers. Almost like a clan one can create a team carrying 50 players with your team's own custom attire. Then you can compete with others teams for the "big one". What's going to be exciting is that gamers will be able to choose their type of player(sniper, defense forward, grinder, etc), and you'll earn experience points to level up your abilities. And of course people will distingiush themselves by their skill. EA will track gamers who become superstars. You can also look up free agents and do trades. It's almost like a MMO NHL league on it's own.