I'm almost done with Metal Gear Solid 3 I think. Right now I just saw Naked Snake take the beating of his life! Geez,I mean..there's two entire cutscenes that just show him getting his butt kicked by this character named Volgin. The whole time I'm just thinking, somebody stop him or play dead Snake. And then Volgin beats him while he's tied up! I just cringed the whole time. But it's worth it because MGS3 is the real deal when it comes to Metal Gear storytelling. I can't really say that about Sons of Liberity. I have Metal Gear Solid 4 sitting on my dresser, and it's still in the plastic.
By the way! I think everyone needs to drop by michelle_morae's profile and say hi! She has wrote her first blog since she entered the US Navy! If you roamed in the realms of the Experienceaffiliates regarding Square Enix games, and the SE Reunionthen you might remember her. She's definitely a big RPG fan!
Edit: Here's the scenes of Snake getting his butt wooping.
Another MGS torture scene...but this time it looks like it hurts.