NeoGen85 / Member

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Why not older women?

It's been awhile since I've said anything on my blog. I just haven't really been in that mood to blog about life in general because nothing exciting has happened. Some might say; Josh you're not talking about the NHL Draft? No I am not. Then how was your 4th of July in the US? I worked. xD

Work is what I've been doing. Of course the news is lit up with a bunch of dead celebrities. Actually! Yeah! I am going to talk about Michael Jackson. I'm just going to say how I remembered him as a child. In my parent's home during elementary school for some reason it felt as if Michael Jackson was always playing in the background on a Saturday. I never became sick of it either. I also remember when I saw him in concert in Hawaii and that was just too awesome! I also remember watching Michael talking about his police "examination" on the news.

He isn't really dead. In fact this is how his comeback tour starts. Jackson fakes his death, and everyone mourns(14 hardcore fans commit suicide). Michael Jackson has hundreds at his funeral(which is shown on TV). Once they lower him into the ground, all of sudden this mist rolls in. Rising from out of his own grave, Michael Jackson screams and there's these two huge sparkling explosions. All of sudden Thriller start playing with the 14 "supposedly" dead fans dancing beside him as zombies. A month later South Park has an episode that has Michael Jackson and Jesus fighting over who's the real son of God. xD

Anyway, what I really wanted to talk about is younger men(like myself) dating older women. In our society why is it that a younger woman can marry someone 8 years older then herself with no one doing a double-take. I asked a friend of mine about that; her husband just turned 40 and she's 32. She told me that most older women who do date younger men don't want to settle down. I told her she had a point but at the same time that's not the case for every situation. Then I said; what then? In our society the real question should be, why shouldn't older women date younger men? At the same time there are some obvious answers though(like maturity and life experiences).