Fallout 3, a fusion of Fable and Oblivion.
I've played all 3, even though this is my first time played a fallout game, and I'm impressed!
Getting out of Vault 101 into the wasteland was astonishing, amazing graphics, well designed foes, and loads of places to go and discover!
I've played this game 3 times now and am now trying a forth time, and there's so many things that I still haven't done!
The main idea of the game is to decide whether your going to inspire to me GOOD or EVIL. Both sides have their perks.
If your good, you'll get gifts all the time, some different perks, and other bonuses im not going to spoil ;)
Evil. You get to Still, Kill, and virtually do whatever you want to meet you needs. If you ask me, Evil is the way to go!
In conclusion, this is a great game! No matter how many amazing perks there are to the game, it still has it downfalls. If find the the game for PS3 occasionally glitches over, and has other unexplained problems that have no cause.
Overall, this game is a 9.25, a Must Have if you love RPGs like I do!