Neo_0515's forum posts
1) So i've had my account on silver for a while now and i been getting some achievements score on it. So my question is if i bring it back to gold will my game score and achievements stay the same or will it go back to 0?
2) My second question is since my hotmail live acount is connected with my gamertag on the 360 it shows what im playing when on msn messenger. How do i make so that it stops showing what im playing. other than changing it to a different email. it appears like this Xbox 360: name of the game playing (gamertag) you can't see it yourself but from another persons view they can see it. you will know what im talking about if some people out there have it like that.
Nope you cant ure gamerscore is attached to ure recent gamertag and cant be moved. You will have to start again with ure new tag gamerscore wise.Alidude3
ok so how about if i recover my gamertag that has the gamescore in it and then change that gamertag to another one, will i keep my gamerscore? In other words just change the gamertags name into another one instead of getting a new one. will that work?
im not sure where you are in the game, as i havent played it, but here is a link to a guide. Maybe it will help you....
By the way how is that game??
Thanks, but the guide wount help. and the game is really good, i strongly recommend it if your a naruto fan.
New answers are still acceptible. please only answer if you've played the game.
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