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#1 Neo_0515
Member since 2003 • 25 Posts
What are the time limits for the 3 Co-op missions? Deal Breaker, Hangman's NOOSE, and Bomb da Base II. I want an answer only from those that have gotten the achievement and know the real time for each one. And if you have any tips on how to finish each one faster then that would be even more helpful. Thanks in advance.
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#2 Neo_0515
Member since 2003 • 25 Posts
Is stevie's car theft missions the "You got the message" Achievement? Because ive been trying to figure out how to do those. what do i need to do to do those missions for delivering 30 cars? Can i still do them after finishing the game? I think i remember brucie telling me something over the phone about him but stevie's name never appeared on the phone. Any help plz.
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#3 Neo_0515
Member since 2003 • 25 Posts
Completing the "Zombie Genocider Achievement" on Deadrising for killing over 54 thousand zombies. damn did that took for ever. but it was worth it.
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#4 Neo_0515
Member since 2003 • 25 Posts

1) So i've had my account on silver for a while now and i been getting some achievements score on it. So my question is if i bring it back to gold will my game score and achievements stay the same or will it go back to 0?

2) My second question is since my hotmail live acount is connected with my gamertag on the 360 it shows what im playing when on msn messenger. How do i make so that it stops showing what im playing. other than changing it to a different email. it appears like this Xbox 360: name of the game playing (gamertag) you can't see it yourself but from another persons view they can see it. you will know what im talking about if some people out there have it like that.

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#5 Neo_0515
Member since 2003 • 25 Posts

Nope you cant ure gamerscore is attached to ure recent gamertag and cant be moved. You will have to start again with ure new tag gamerscore wise.Alidude3

ok so how about if i recover my gamertag that has the gamescore in it and then change that gamertag to another one, will i keep my gamerscore? In other words just change the gamertags name into another one instead of getting a new one. will that work?

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#6 Neo_0515
Member since 2003 • 25 Posts
So i had my normal offline account then i got a 1 month gold membership with a windows live account which they give it to you free and so all my gamerscore was going into that account. now the month it over and it turn it self into a silver account. Now i got a new gamertag with another windows live account, the thing is, is that the new gamertag created it self in another profile with the gamerscore to 0. So is there anyway to transfer my gamerscore (achievements) from my first account to my new gamertag, if so how? or is it not possible?
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#7 Neo_0515
Member since 2003 • 25 Posts
See, now not only is he not gonna be able to go back and play the game but any other game that he might of wanted too or see he's precious little 360 again. He got angry just because he lost what he was playing? Please, i've seen worst, like people loosing all their save data cause their 360 broke down. People if you have a 360, PS3, or Wii, on a very open space with many people around don't leave them standing up, they have a better chance of being knock down. Lay them down where they can have a better chance of surviving. and save of all your games to a memory card as a back up just in case you loose it all on your console's.
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#8 Neo_0515
Member since 2003 • 25 Posts

im not sure where you are in the game, as i havent played it, but here is a link to a guide. Maybe it will help you....

By the way how is that game??


Thanks, but the guide wount help. and the game is really good, i strongly recommend it if your a naruto fan.

New answers are still acceptible. please only answer if you've played the game.

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#9 Neo_0515
Member since 2003 • 25 Posts
Im can't find the last lovelorn villager that you need to stun with the sexy jutsu. yes i know there not in order but can someone tell where i can look, like where theres one in a really good hideing spot. or perhaps you had a hard time finding the last one, who knows i may be missing that same one. please be specific on where he is on the village.
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#10 Neo_0515
Member since 2003 • 25 Posts
Just buy a rechargeable batterie kit so that while 2 or 4 batteries charge you use the 2 for the controller then when those two run out exchange them for the chargeable ones and put the dead ones to charge that way you can just keep using the same ones and not having to keep buying new ones over and over. or you can just buy the wire for the controller and never have to use batteries.
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