So this week I splurged and had to buy some 360 games. Burnout was a must and after seeing gamespots review of GRAW I had to pick that one up as well.
The only thing I really have to say is I cant wait to see what else is coming.
My weekly RTS night went smooth again as I crushed my opponant in LOTR Battle For Middle Earth II. (after I lagged out once and was beaten once)
Im still thinking Star Wars Galaxies is a little better but its like comparing apples to oranges. Why didnt Star Wars put stat tracking in, that pisses me off more than anything.
Tetris DS comes out this week, crap! I guess its good then I will have something to do on those long gryphon rides.
Halo night went terrible, I think I might retire I have logged 2200+ games into it. (2200x 10 minute games = ~400 hours, still not touching the time I played FFXI)
I think I will try to finish an older FF this week. I have everysingle one made for the PS but never beaten any of them. (I have seen the endings to all of them but never personally beaten them.)
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