Wow. I don't think I have ever seen anything quite as lame as Gamer's Perspective. The layout is atrocious with positioning mistakes everywhere that stagger objects obviously intended to line up neatly and push text off the side without a scroll-bar to go look if you wanted to. Even with the positioning cleaned up, it is a bland, white and orange (my most hated of colors) palette and they expect everyone to download a font pack instead of using more common fonts for ease of viewing. Already, at this point, I am thinking that these folk are ignorant.
Then I skimmed some reviews.
Now, I'm not saying that Gamespot has the market cornered on innovative ratings of games, but at least one of the "reviewers" uses the GS system verbatim and the rest may as well be, only changing the term that they use for "Tilt". And while I regularly disagree vehemently with the Gamespot reviewers, at least they go to some length in reviewing the game and expressing the reasons why they formed the opinions that they have of a game. The quality of what I saw, instead, was on par with many of the user reviews, including the lack of objective criticism and infestation of poor spelling/grammar. I have to wonder if these guys just didn't get fed up with having their reviews de-recommended (or maybe just not recommended) and decided that they could do better.
Man, this one definitely counts as a FAIL.
I shudder to think about how these guys may be talking up how awesome they are or strutting around feeling some sense of pride at plastering orange crap and ignorance onto the internet. Self-delusion can be scary.