Oh noes!!!
So, I've been writing some reviews lately and someone apparently disagrees with what I had to say about Dynasty Warriors 6. Now, I do NOT write these short, say-nothing "reviews" where I just talk about how I like or don't like a game... and I definately don't just regurgitate whatever the popular commentary is. And while I don't really care that much if anyone agrees with me or not, I find it kind of funny to consider WHY someone would disagree.
I mean, I reread that review and there's nothing, at all, untrue in there. But since users can't comment on directly on reviews, and that's probably a GOOD thing, I am left to wonder just what this particular genius disagreed with. Did he just see how much there was to read and decide that he didn't want to waste his time? Did he see I gave it a low score (5.5, though that was a mistake and my current score of 6.5 is more accurate) and even read my review before unleashing his fanboy might? Was he really a she?
The review after mine makes some ridiculous claim about "not believing the morons who gave it a bad rating" and it would surprise me if that monkey was the one who gave me the oh-so-life-impacting thumbs down. I got a finger for ya right here. ;)
It's all rather funny. But, hey, at least my Soulstorm review has been approved by all 5 of the people who chose to vote on it. I'm on the high road to popularity now.