Okay, so PS3s been out all of 2 years now, right? We've got a pretty broad variety of games already out as well as some of the best exclusives, but we're lacking something that cannot be ignored: RPGs!!! So far we have what? Eternal Sonata, Disgea 3, Valkyrira Chronicles, Oblivion, and Fallout 3 (if you count the latter 2). That's it? Is there NOTHING from Square Enix? FF13 is slated to come out next year, but where is everthing else. What's everybody working on that they're too busy to throw some quality Role-Players out there for us? I'm not even a big fan, but I do enjoy one every now and then. Only on PS3 it feels more like every now and never. Seems Xbox360 is the only console really getting any, but even they are subpar (Inifinite Undiscovery anyone?). I just don't understand what's happen in this new generation of consoles. From the SNES to the PS2 RPGs were the big deal games. Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, Legend of Mana, Illusions of Gaia, Disgea, Hack, Chrono Trigger/Cross, Earth Bound, Phantasy Star, Mario RPG, and TONS of other games I can't think of right now were the very reasons that thousands of people bought consoles. It seems nowadays all we're seeing is a bunch of FPS and sports games. That's fine and all, but people want RPGs. Not only should we have them we should have them with topnotch gameplay and graphics (not, however, as a trade off for poor story). The biggest interest in a video game for me has been a good, deep, creative, and consuming story. More often than not the best place to find this is in an RPG. True, lots of shooters and adventure games are stepping it up with better plotlines (thank you, Mr. Kojima), but they just don't put you in the hero's shoes like a good RPG does (hence the name, Role-Playing Game). So where are they? What's going on? Am I the only one who feels completely cheated here? Square Enix used to popped those babies out like a wellfare mom. Have they just given up? Are they really THAT busy on FF13?? What about everyone else? Has the RPG genre just lost its mass appeal?Developers don't wanna "waste" their time and budget? Are gamers just totally illiterate, now? Are RPGs becoming a thing of the past? I don't know, but I hope this thing turns around soon. I don't know how much longer I'm gonna get buy on shooters alone.
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