A few days ago, I left a blog saying I would post the details on Friday. I'm 2 days late, but I finally made the blog.:P
Well, the last few days of school, my mom has gotten a butt-load of calls from the school saying that I'm failing all my classes.:lol: And that the teachers have taken up my drawings of Happy Tree Friends' comics, and pictures of monsters destroying buildings and eating people. They said it was "demonic" and "psychopathic" and basically saying I have something wrong in my head.
So she is taking the computer away from me on week days, to try and "help me":roll:. And to increase my grades. She even said she might send me to boot camp.(again):o
But in other news, I bought a HTF bobblehead.:P I hope it comes soon, when it does I'll upload a picture of it. Well, See ya, I'm gonna need some luck.:P