I connect to my avatar very much so. It's "Blade" from a series called "Puppet Master." He's my icon everywhere: here, Steam, Funnyjunk, Newgrounds, etc.
Neutralgray's forum posts
God, it's a bunch of crap. Not one is thinking about the implications this holds nor the consequences and all because they simply because they didn't get their way. It pisses me off that my home state, humid Louisiana, is involved in the political storm of nonsense. I'm not even that patriotic but I can't stand this.
If this were to happen, which I'm 100% sure it won't, I'm leaving this naive newfound "nation" for my actual country.
The simple reason is arrogance. No, not all atheists are arrogant. In fact, a great majority of them are okay. However, the internet is home to hatred and teenage angst. This coupled with a lack of theism creates an "antitheist" who must vent his hatred. Not all antitheists are angsty of course, there are some good reasons to oppose theism. It just happens to be that most online are angry teenagers.
Each DLC will give you a warning before the point of no return in which it gives you a level reccomendation.
I think motorcycles would be great considering the fact that the nuclear holocaust was nearly 200 years ago in the current timeframe of the Fallout universe and both the Brotherhood and NCR have shown clear capablities in past games to manufacture various objects. Plus, if any vehicle would fit the Fallout style, it'd have to be a motorcycle.
The ability to change anything's color. Would it be useful in crime fighting? No. Would it be fun? Yes. Bored of that beige coffee mug? Make it green, yellow, purple, or multiple colors like it was nothing. Turn your friend's skin bright red while they sleep for a prank. Redesign all your clothes. Paint your house with no paint. Change the colors of things your rival owns and do this every day to slowly break their sanity.
I didn't read it.
All I will tell you is that if it has anything bad to say about liberals, the liberals in this forum will dismiss anything about it, then act like you are retarded for not being a washed up liberal hippie.
While I think that may be a harsh way of putting it, I concur that some harcore liberals I've known scoff at anything they disagree with, dismiss it as stupid, and then when asked why, they can't explain why it's stupid; it just is. Same with conservatives. Liberals that do this tend to have a bit of an intelligence complex, though.
Because they claim to be socialist without actually knowing what that means or how it works when you set it in a society.
I myself believe in socialism but understand this is the middle ground of communism and capitalism. It has aspects of both sides that define it and I find these sides to work well together. I do not hate capitalism.
I suppose though, that if you meet one that disdains capitalism it may be out of a sense of rebellion (as teenagers often have) or they mate on *pure* capitalism for its weakness of greed.
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