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Nevada-the-wolf Blog

Hold the phone...

Haven't updated in a while.... Here's some fan fictions I plan to work on:

We're back!-sequal to All of Us

Status: Working on Chapter 13, story close to finish


Half & half- Superman II fan fic

Status: Will be started after We're back is finished


A day in our lives-All of us Prequal

Status: Will be started after Half & half


One-on-one- We're back sequal

Status: Not written, working on storyline


The episode formerly known as-JLU fic

Status: Not written, Might be started after one on one.


Second time around-Sequal to One on one

Status: Unwritten, still filling in gaps for storyline.


Krypto/JLU mini series fics

Status: Unwritten, still working on storylines


If anyone has any questions feel free to ask, today's also free comic book day... This be a good time for me to get some Archie comics.

6 day stay

Just thought I;d psot I'll be offline for the weekend, I'm going to L.A.

I leave in 2 days, I MIGHT be able to get online if I can over to a library to use a computer while I'm there.

Other new characters

I plan to post the profiles of my other JLU characters sometime soon the profiles in include:


(I think it's pronouned: "Giz-L")

(Ursa's cousin on her Mom's side)

also Giszelle is a FEMALE character. She's a bit different than her cousin but nonetheless the two have a sort sisterly bond.


( One of Non's friends, later becomes his mate)

Lesie is a pretty even-temptered female, she's pretty kind towards Non and still cares about him even after he can't speak anymore.

New characters part 1

Some new characters the first ones are based on Superman 2.


Gender: Female

Description: She has jet black hair and chocolate brown eyes. Her skin is a sort of tan color.

Personality: Somewhat friendly, easygoing, optimistic, intellegent, bright & curious.

Background: Luna is Zod and Ursa's daughter, she's also the first Kryptonian born outside ofKrypton's galaxy. It did take long for Ursa to find out she was 3 months pregnant! Surprisingly, she went to Superman and the other justice leaguers for help. Shortly after being born, Luna began bonding with her mother, unlike her parents her personality is a bit different. Although she is intellegent like them and curious, Luna prefers to be friends with Mark(Superman and Lois Lane's son) as oppose to tease him. Of course there's sometimes when her curiosity can get the better of her(LOL). She also learns a little about her parent's home planet, Krypton, though there are times when Luna does feel like she stands out like a sore thumb due to being a Kryptonian. But with friends like Mark, Rex Stewart, Kendra and the other justice league kids she claims it's not so bad. She does have a few dislikes one of them is sometimes being referred to as: "The daughter of Zod" (and/or Ursa) or "Luna-Zod". In an attempt to avoid being teased she uses her mother'sformer last name: "Hu-Ui".One kryptonian ability she dislikes is flying, (she's afraid of heights).When not at school, Luna is usually with Ursa, her friends or asleep. She also looks out for her brother, AG.

Random quotes:

Mark: (Talking about Ursa): "Your mom scares me"

Luna: "C'mon Mark,she's not that bad"

Mark: "Uh-huh, just ask my parents"


Luna: "I mean...I feel like stick out"

Ursa: "Well, you're young...when you were born I thought you were cute"

(Luna grins)

Ursa: "Does that help?"

Luna: "No, but I do feel better"

(hugs Ursa)




Gender: Male

Description: Has jet balck hair and blue eyes, his skin is a bit lighter than Luna's.

Personality: Bright, outgoing, smart and somewhat playful.

Background: AG is Luna's younger brother. He's also Ursa and Zod's son, aside from the fact he's a year younger than Luna the two are pretty close, even if he sometimes annoys her to no end. A year after Luna was born, Ursa found out she was pregnant again. Although Ursa was abit nervous about the second pregnancy, after awhile she calmed down anddid learn one thing from raising Luna and AG...being a mother was no easy task(especially since Luna wasn't weaned offofher milkso she had to nurse both Luna and AG, LOL). AG is more of a leader than a follower.He and Mark have a love/hate friendship. Other than that AG mostly spends time with his sister and his best friend, Brone.

(It's raining outside)

AG: "Who's idea was it to walk to school?"

Luna & Brone: (at the same time)"Yours"

AG: "Maybe we should've taken the bus"

Luna: "YA THINK?!"




Gender: Male

Description: Slightly taller than Luna and AG he also has brown eyes and black hair, hisskin color is close to AG's.

Personality: Funny, a bit friendly and somewhat outgoing.

Background: Brone(sometimes called Bron) is Leslieand Non's son, although he might not be the brightest bulb in the chandelier it doesn't bother him that much. He does speak but he's quiet for the most part, he's also close friends with AG and Luna. As they got older the trio began to slightly resemble their parents.Leslie was a friend of Non on Krypton, she also knew Jor-El and Lara. Brone also has a bit of a gentle dispostion and is sometimes teased for being "soft" but he does get serious if he needs to be. Note: He likes watching the sun set.


Brone: "Ok, so I might not be..."

AG: "The brightest bulb in the chandelier? the shapest knife in the drawer?"

Brone: " I think we get the point, AG"

New characters.

Just two new JLU characters.


Voiced by: Kirstie Alley

Gender: Female

Personality: Friendly, timid, bright, smart and somewhat brave at times.

Age: 38

Description: She sort of resimbles Lana Lang,(which Superman found to be creepy when they met, LOL). Like Lana she has dark red hair, though her eyes are lavendar color.(though she explains lavandar is a rare kryptonian eye color). As far as height goes she SLIGHTLY shorter than wonder woman but the two are almost the same.

Background: Kizzy, spent the first 12 years of her life living in Argo city with her family. While there she befriended Kala-In-Ze(Kara's Mom). Though when she turned 12, Kizzy's parent's moved back to Krypton where she stayed until she reached adulthood. While on Krypton she worked part-time with Jor-El as his assistant. Though due to her friendly dispostion and the fact she was timid she was often teased, mostly by Mala and Jax-Ur. Though one day when Jor-El told Kizzy about what he found out about Krypton, she felt a bit shocked and passed out when he said he was sending her to earth. It mostly to test out how a kryptonian would fit in with being around humans.Once on earth, Kizzy felt both curious and afraid.After receiving a call from Jor-El via communicator she discovered he sent Syricuse, a stray cat she took in while on Krypton. So far she had been ajusting to being on earth though when her rocket was found it also contained information about her. As a result, Kizzy after got caught and was taken to STAR lab's sister labratory called SPARK labs.

While at SPARK labs she took various tests and was sometimes mistreated. Although she tried to put up with how she was being treated she couldn't do it and tried to escape but failed. She felt dissapointed when she attempted to contact Jor-El and found out the signal was no longer working!(around this time krypton had been destroyed). Kizzy later befriended Richer an albino human though he and Kizzy eventually got married she was still kept and SPARK labs.After sometime Kizzy eventually had Irma. But now that she had a newborn daughter, Kizzy continued to bekept at SPARK labs, though Richer still had visting rights. Now that Kizzy had Irma to take care of, her motherly instincts kicked in, she was a bit protective around anyone that went near Irma. As Irma got older shegot the same disrespect her mother had when the SPARK lab employees began to test her out to see if she possibly inherited her mother's abilites. Which were: Super speed, strength, flight, hearing,heat vison,X-ray vision, etc. It turned out Irma did have all of her mother's abilites! though they were as strong as Kizzy's. Kizzy and Irma eventually escaped fromSPARKlabs and crossed the bordertoAmerica. But the two were only free for 2 days unti they were caught and sent back.A few weeks laterSPARK labs received call from Amanda Waller to send Kizzy and Irma to STAR labs. Although Amanda Waller's plan to use Kizzy and Irma backfired due to the justice league wanting the duo to be free. Aside from what she's been through Kizzy is still the same way shewas on Krypton. Friendly, bright,timid and sometimes clumsy. :lol:

Random quotes

Mala: "What's you're name?"

Kizzy: "Kizzy..."

Jax-Ur: "What kind of name is Kizzy?"

Kizzy: "Kizzy was my Great Grandmother's name"

Mala & Jax-Ur: (at the same time) : "Oh"

(Based on quote from "Fresh prince of Bel-Air")

Kizzy: (talking to Superman) :"What the matter?"

Superman: "Nothing, you just remind me of someone I know"

Flash: "Like Lana Lang?"

(record scratches)

Flash: "O...kay, I'll beleaving now, bye!"

(runs off)



Vocied by: Malcom Jamal Warner

Gender: Male

Personality: Even tempered andbright like Flash he cracks a few jokes often at the wrong time like around Batman for example...:lol:

Age: 22

Description: He sort of resembles Wally(aka Flash) but he mostly looks like a younger version of Zor-El. He also has brown hair and dark brown eyes like him.

Background: Terois Kara's older brother.Like Kara, Tero was born and raised on Argo. Even though he and Kara got along, she was in the #1 spot of people he like to play pranks on. Like most brothers, Tero looks out for his sister even though she can hold her own.Lex Luthor used a time machine at Lex-corp to bring back several Kryptonians and Argosians after seeing the results with Superman bringing back his parents when the machine was accidentally activated.Once in Metropolis,Tero as well as his parents and the other Kryptonians and Argosians had to ajust to being around humans including some of the justice league members. Oncehe met Flash the two became fast friends(yes, that was pun intended:lol:).Even though Tero knows his sister is Supergirl he still has her on list of people to play pranks on. Aside from playing pranks and cracking jokes he mostly hangs out with Flash on the watch-tower or in Central city.

Random qoutes

Flash: "Hey Stargirl there was phone call for you from the New York city school of performing arts"

Stargirl: "Really?"

Tero: "Yeah, sure..."

Stargirl: "You know I heard that call on the answer machine, nice prank guys"

(leaves the room)

Tero: "Ah, crash and burn"

Flash: "She was talking about us"

Tero: "Darn it! why can't we ever win?!"

Wonder Woman: "Haven't you guys figured it out?"

Tero: "Figured what out?"

Mala: "That you suck"

(both startlaughing)

Flash: "Ok now see they just..."

Tero: "Shut up"

Flash: "Ok"


NOTE(S): Kizzy is actually the name of Kunta Kente's daughter in a mini series called "Roots". Tero is also the name of a puppy on a cartoon series called "Ginga legend Weed". Kizzy and Tero actually had different names but I forgot what the names were. One reason why I named the characters Kizzy and Tero was cause I thought that they'd fit the characters since Kizzy is Kryptonian and Tero is Argosian. Tero is an asian name(I think it's Japanese) Kizzy is Hebrew. One other thing, I DON'T know if Kara had a brother but I did read something about the episode "Little Girl lost" that the person in the 3rd chamber may have been Kara's older sibling though it didn't say what gender.

A fewweeks ago I read a story on, in one part it featured Kara at one point she mentioned her parents and her brother, so I thought the person in the 3rd chamber must've been her older brother.Course I thought about that before reading the fanfiction.In short after reading the info and watching the episode I guess you could say that was insperation for Tero. As for Kizzy she started of as being just a minorbackground character for my fanfiction: "We're back!" but after sometime I thought about her being one of the main background characters in the story.

Last note:Tero's full name is Tero Zor-El. Also how he and the other Krypotonians and Argosians got to earth was via time machine. Lex Luthor noticed the machine had been accidentally activated when he saw Superman(disguised as Clark Kent) bring his parents to Metropolis.He found this out when he looked at the security camera footage, as a result, Lex brought back several Argosians and Kryptonians(including Kara's parents and herbrother), Amanda had planned to use them for Cadmus but it backfired when the justice leaguehelped the Kryptonians and Argosians escape.

Aside from that hope you like my two new characters!

Feel free to comment!!!

New fan links

Just thought I'd update and post some new fan links.

Final chapter for: "All of Us"

"We're back!" (The sequel)


"Walk a mile in our tracks"

------ videos

"Screenshot- stir it up"

(A music video I made)


Ok so this ISN'T my work but the song kinda makes me think of the sort of "father& daughter" relationship Superman &Supergirl have.

"We are one"(Original film version)

(Lion king 2 soundtrack version)

Kay this may sound goofy but I sort of picture Superman & Supergirl lip syncing to this song...

What do you think of thine links?

feel free to comment!!

Next generation

Yet another list of some of my JLU characters.



Background: She's Lex Luthor and Roulette's daughter. She does have a mixture of bother her parent's personalites and has inherited her father's intellegence and her mother's looks. Although her father plans for Lexi to inherit Lexcorp she prefers not to follow in her parent's footsteps, she mostly tries to keep her decision hidden.


Kendra & Riley

Background: Kendra and Riley are both kryptonian/human mixes. Although they're twins they look somewhat different. Kendra has blonde hair and blue eyes and Riley has red hair and brown eyes. Flash and Supergirl are actually Kendra and  Riley's parents, After being married for  about a year, it didn't take long for Kara to find out she was pregnant. Though villains such as Lex Luthor, the Cadmus group and others took adventage of it, seeing that if she tried to defend herself  it would probably harm the twins. At one time, Amanda Waller had hired members of a newly formed injustice gang led by Roulette  to capture Supergirl and have her  brought to  Cadmus HQ for her twins  to be removed via surgery. Though they  failed  later on and Kara was able to protect the twins until birth. Kendra is a bit like her mother as far as looks go and seems to have her mother's spunky personality. Being half Kryptonian she also has has Kara's abilites such as, superstrength, hearing, speed, etc... Riley looks and acts more like his father, Flash though he has his mother's abilites he moslty uses his superspeed. Once they got older Kendra and Riley eventually followed in their parent's footsteps when they joined the justice league.



Background: Melina is Huntress and Question's daughter. Although she has a mxture of her parent's personalites,  also does a mix of both their jobs such as tracking down certain people like Huntress and is a bit of a detective work like  the Question. Aside from that she likes being around friends and visting the watch-tower.


Connie, Jerry & Rainy

Background: Their parents are Stargirl and Jimmy Olsen, even though they're all the same age Connie  claims she the oldest of the tripets since she was the first one out. She's a bit like Stargirl is several ways, including having a love/hate friendship with Supergirl's daughter, Kendra. Once she got a bit older she was given her mother's staff and costume, Connie eventually became known as "Stardust", her brother also joined in and became known as S.T.R.I.P.E.S. when he was given Pat Dugan's mecha suit. As for Rainy, well...though she has hardly shown any interest in joining the justice league, she does stick by her siblings. She mostly watches from the side-lines and has filled in Jimmy's photographer spot at the Daily planet.



Background: Mostly known as "The son of Superman" Mark knows he can't escape his father's 'shadow' but nonetheless he doesn't mind the fact his father is one of the found JL members. Once he got a bit older Mark became a JL member and now wors along side his father and the other leaguers.  Aside from being a JL member, Mark does have a hard time getting away from Lu(Lana Lang's daughter). Ocassionally he does get embarressed by by his mother, Lois Lane. Although their  parents are enamies, Lexi and Mark have a sort love/hate type of friendship, eventhough their fathers don't approve of the duo being together at times.




Background: She's Star Sapphire's niece. Although she had hoped to become the next Star Sapphire she lost that oppertunity to her cousin, Lina.  Though Ruby may get on her sunt's nerves sometimes, she does carry her own wieght and is often used to distract the league when Star Sapphire tries to make a quick escape.


Marley Quinn

Background: Marley is Harley Quinn's son. His personality is a bit like hers in some ways. Although he NEVER met his father since his parents split up at some point in his life. He sometimes thinks the Joker is his father, even though he looks nothing like him! but nonetheless, Marley mostly is at his mother's side. Other then that, he still hopes to find out who his father is.


Well that's it for now, I'm working on some other JLU characters.

Feel free to comment!











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