Just another, random generic blog to go out since I'm in a typing mood. All out of broadband for the remainder of the month, although I can still play a bit of Black Ops since its based on the hosts connection and not mine.
Recently finished my lengthy review of Black Ops available somewhere down thar. \/ \/ \/ Give it a read if you honestly care about my opinion...please? :D
Also been churning a few generic no scope videos for the time being on YouTube, my channel is named as 'KingNafelianX' if you'd like to check that out also.
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Another Christmas has been and gone and this year felt as boring as ever, didn't get much. Clothes (SOCKS!!!) :) , Cash and Undead Nightmare for RDR which is pretty darn sweet. Looking forward to welcoming my last year of school, granted I even go back that is. :S And hoping for a better, more interesting year to come.
Happy Holidays, and a very Happy New Year in 2011 to all of you!