Yep, it's been a while, as my nonexistant readers can tell from the title of this entry. Summer has started, and a lot's going 'round.
First off, the Halo 3 beta started, well, three weeks ago exactly, and it's ending today. The gameplay is great, and I am much more appreciative of the graphics than most are. Come on, Gears of War uses an engine an entire team works on; Halo 3 uses an engine Bungie works on while developing Halo 3. They don't have the time to finetune an engine to Unreal standards. Also, the video feature is neat in the beta (you can only re-watch matches from your point-of-view),and has a ton of promise; fiddling around with slow-motion, moving the camera around, and watching vids with your buddies will be great in the full game. While playing the beta, I managed to get my hands on (like everybody else) the custom game feature that was restricted from the beta; fortunately, a viral glitch allowed many players to access it. There are a great number of variables, so the combinations for possible gametypes are near-limitless, if you get my meaning. The sword has been slightly nerfed; it now has a power source that depletes with kills. The pistol tries to live up to Halo's, but its slow rate of fire will only leave it in the dust.
I'd like to add that many reviewers are suddenly a-goggle at the appearance of legs beneath the player's Spartan. Ignorant bandwagon-jumpers; there were legs in Halo 2, and everyone's acting like they're some new, great feature! They might have even been present in Halo. Fools! That kind of thing seriously aggravates me.
Onwards, I have re-installed my copies of Knights of the Old Republic and Knights of the Old Republic II. In a short thirty hours, [spoilers] I played KOTOR through as a primarily good character, woo'd Bastila, and defeated Malak, redeeming the name of Revan throughout the galaxy. [/spoiler] Then, I popped in KOTOR2, and was unfortunately most disappointed. I'm still in the process of playing it - I don't want to jump the gun - but I'm afraid Obsidian just doesn't stand up to the renowned creators of Mass Effect (my most anticipated game). Right off the bat, the story has a few mysterious holes in it; the characters can't seem to pin down just what happened to Revan after KOTOR. First, they call him a woman! You get to argue against this heresy, and the game should record your argument and use it in future conversations. Instead, they switch between calling Revan "he" or "she;" sometimes, they say he followed a dark path, others, a light. Who knows? Anyways, the swoop racing minigame was completely butchered and the characters just don't seem to have the charm of the original game.
Also, on the ol' 360, I've been playing the Need for Speed Most Wanted and Shadowrun demos. As one can see in my gamercard, I have played NFSMW, but I was just borrowing the game from a friend. Now, I am truly enchanted with it, though I keep in mind that the game is insanely difficult in latter parts. The cop chases are so fun! I want to buy the game the first chance I get, and it should be cheap; unfortunately, I'm going on a lengthy vacation soon (after a Rush concert on the 16th), and won't be able to play it, anyway. The Shadowrun demo is also great; I'm considering buying that game, as well, despite the pitieous review on Gamespot. The bot matches are fun, and just that one map is enough to keep me occupied. Perhaps buying it off Gamefly at a reduced price of $40 or so will be wisest.
Well, that's just about it for now. In GHII news, I've beaten the accursed hard difficulty and I don't plan on escalating to expert. I'm going to stay in my tiny, safe world of the last two sets on medium at hyper-speed. "Carry Me Home" on medium, "Push, Push (Lady Lightning)" on medium, and "Strutter" on hard with hyperspeed areoft enough to satisfy an audience. I still have to perfect Free Bird and get the 1000 note streak; I've managed 950, but I keep screwing up right after the intense red/yellow/red/yellow section, or Guitar Solo I and J.
EDIT: I suppose I should admit that KOTOR has instilled a strong sense of nostalgia in me for the old MMORPG, Star Wars Galaxies. Should my memory serve me (and it's service is rather disreputable), the gameplay, or at least the combat, styles seem similar. I have a LOT of regrets regarding that old game; it was a five-hour part of each day for every day for a year, and everyone knows the semi-anonymity of the Internet only breeds bad results. My stupidity was legendary in that game; I was kicked out of a guild for faking bad language, generally condescended upon for my foolishness, and, in the end, I left my in-game "wife" (who was probably a man in real life) during a period of hard times in the ol' "RL." From thenon, I was a drifter; I resided on a little-used server as an entertainer in a Corellian town. That cantina still seems like a virtual home to me; just the thought would evoke tears if I weren't such a hard-boiled badass. I quit the game weeks before I would have received a free in-game pilotable ship with the Jump to Lightspeed expansion pack due to my "veterancy," having played the game for a year.
At this point, it really, really is a sad thing Sony cajoled SWG into an alley and then mugged and ravished it. I hear the game is dead now, due to several disastrous changes by Sony and their Online Entertainment, known as the devious "SOE" - wreaker of nerfs - during my tenure inStar Wars galaxy. They took a perfectly excellent MMORPG and killed it. Killed it, dammit. If it weren't for them, the game might still be alive today, and I could restart my membership, return to the old server, and re-join the clan I abandoned. Make up for my foolishness.
Hey, I'm practically righting a drama book, here. I suppose I've never had a chance to vent my true feelings for SWG, but, since no one reads this, I might as well. My best friends were in that game; they were that Correllian cantina, that small town. My best gaming experiences were there; they were that time I spent an hour dead waiting for a doctor to arrive in the Tattoinian wilderness, or the time me and my "wife" indulged in some "hanky-panky" in a camp outside my guild's city, only to have an impromtu visitor interrupt us. Yes, embarrassing.The best characters lived in that damned world, they were that Twi'lek, who betrayed the Empire for our friendship; they were that short Bothan who'd take on an entire Stormtrooper encampment with me; they were my "wife", who'd never pass up the chance to hunt some great beast; they were those Rebels of my Corellian small town, who'd form a league of defense to fight off the clutches of the Imperial wastrels. I hated PvP in that game, I sucked at it.
Anyway, SWG was an iconic stepping-stone to where I am now; it started my on video games, led up to Halo 2, which started me on the Xbox as a serious gamer. Without SWG, I'd probably be preparing for tomorrow's soccer match. I'd be a jock, or something equally brainless. Anyway, my ranting and deep introspection has drawn to an end. I'm tired. I'm now even sadder than I was at first.
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