Hello folks. I needed a reason to write a blog and today some stuff I won on Ebay came in today. So now I'm gonna give my thoughts on the stuff I won and maybe something else. I don't know.
The first thing I put my thoughts into is the Targetmaster Firebolt. Anyone who reads the Animated RPG on the Animated thread or been on tfroleplay will notice I have a robot that turns into a V-22 Osprey named Firebolt. I didn't get my idea from this guy. Back to the Targetmaster, he's an okay toy. I mean a toy having only one point of articulation, he's got one tight joint and he's what, 20 some years old? So he was a good snag. He was the cheapest.
The next thing is the targetmaster Recoil. I don't really know why I got him. Oh yeah, I got him for my Cla$$ics Bumblebee, but it turns out he now's gotta hold both targetmasters. Recoil is a nice little 'bot that turns into a long-ass rifle. I really like this guy too. Also a good steal. A little more expensive, but a good steal.
Finally the Coup de grace (Sorry if it ain't right, but I don't care now)! Headmaster Weirdwolf with his Nebulan partner Monzo! This was the reason I was buying off Ebay. I wanted a Headmaster cheap and got 2 Targetmasters on the side. Althought it won't cheap when it came to pay for them. I love this guy. Note the actual toy does not have those eyes. besides that or no gun, I got a good deal. The best thing about it was I got Monzo and his tail/sword thingy, which makes him look more like a wolf than a bobcat.
That's all for now. Until then, this is Kyle, Newmanfan, sayin'