IMDb messageboards...a small rant
by Nezee74 on Comments
Good grief, I hate to admit I even post there. What is with people that they have to take the time to look up an actor or show/movie's messageboard on IMDb solely for the purpose of berating them and their fans? Get a friggen life already. Why not just go post on messageboards of things that you are actually interested in? If they were there to start an interesting discussion about what it is that others like and they dislike, that would be one thing. But it's hardly ever that way. It's the typical twelve-year-old sounding, "this actor sucks, you suck, i can't believe anyone thinks they're good" kinda bs that is extremely annoying. That nonsense keeps me away from there most of the time, but I like to look in and see what's being said about my favorites on occasion. And I even occasionally add a comment or two myself but I usually just end up walking away, wondering why I bothered.