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I FEelz moi some SlEEpz!!

Yeah just days ago i actually found out just wf GS's rank 24 is all aboot, and only one day ago, more popularly known as yesterday, I actually turned to said rank. 8)

Anywhoo, to all others like moi who were oblivious to the wonder years of the NES/SNES, I Feel Asleep!! is a tribute to one of the many typos encountered in the NES ''port'' of Metal Gear, spoken by the very first guard you encounter.
May sound patronising to most of the more old skool gamers, well if so, Iapologise for me starting my hobbie at the year of 1995 with the ps1! :evil: lol Sure i at least ventured back to the Megadrive2 (Genesis) and Saturn but NES/SNES are still currently in my never played section :cry:

So then, I suggest to celebrate my new found information with a charity event dedicated to helping me buy myself an Xbox 360. 8)