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It may be all over, but theres plenty of others to take its place.

Yeees of course I had to give in and post up a blog, to celebrate...somewhat...the end of 2008 and the beginning of 2009, though of course, this new beginning for 2009 could very well be the middle of 2008 far as i'm concerned :P i slept through a whole streets worth of fire works and sadly never even managed to get myself with alcohol poisoning :cry: lol

But ah well, spose just this once i'll try and be a lil more cheerful 8) Soo err....yaaaaay..hurrrah, and ect 8).

So 2008, any highlights for me? Not really in all honesty, though this is the year that i actually started to bother with my GS profile, not like i consider that a highlight :P.

College though was certaintly full of memorys, the Wizard of Oz performances espiecally.

Frankly though, theres hardly anything i can remember, even vaguely in fact :?

Well there was this whole new sister of mine joinin the family too, spose that counts as a highlight :P. Still anything that I'm sure would of been an experience to remember I would of remembered, so nah not much to reminesce on i'm afraid 8).

I might do a top 5 list games of 2008 soon enough, just to at least commemorate something that I am fond of :P

So in general, a happy end to a rather forgoten year :? lol all thats left to do now is to hope 2009 will be just as memorable :lol: Oh yeah and whata way to end it all...turns out i might have meself a deaf right ear could be just a total overload of wax or whatever, but I have my usual pessimism to thank for my theory that I'll have to add a deaf ear to the list :roll: lol

Now to end it all with a special mention to some of GS's finest 8).

Azure-The first person over GS that i actually didn't instantly despise and want to cripple :twisted: lol A real joy to talk to over msn, with all his occasiona random ramblings :P A fellow RE/MGS hybrid ofa fanatic who has certaintly made GS that much more tolerable 8). I'll defo have to buy u a drink...or even a bar maybe :P...once i become a midly succesful voice actor, cause right now i'm too cheap :lol:

Tudyniuz-The crazy romanian lol oj :P Definatlty one of my most faithful GS commentors, every blog usually has his name underneath it somewhere, no matter how boring or ridiculously long :P.

Missmorphine-While may have given up on GS, probably due to a lack of bloggage ideas since she was found out to be a total blog stealing ho lol oj :P. But still I've had many a...complex...conversations with her amidst GS and msn. Sure she may come across to me as shallow, annoying, antagonistic, psychotic, hypocritical and ect. but that figure of hers more than makes up for all her shortcomings :lol: oj naah she ain't 'that' bad :P

Darksoul-Intentionally cute and lil ditzy she does at least give out alot of warmth n well being 8) those bone crunching hugs of hers to her trademark '^_^' at the end of each post :P all help giving her that friendly aura of hers to last 8).

Hellboy-Mr big-time director :P lol I always respect hardcore movie nuts such as Mr Murlock, and the fact that he has the name that sounds like it would fit pretty wel as DC super-hero helps too lol :P Initially underappreicated with his meaningful blogs with possibly me being his only commentor, well it sort of set the grounds for that small time independant blogger who with enough determination and enough trys managed to build up a noice lil circle of regurlar commentors 8) The fact that he still carryed on definatly made him stand out imo 8).

Princesstwilight-Could very well possibly be the female equivalent to me :P moody, miserable, lazy and wide-mind when it comes to music 8) its always been easy to strike up a convo with Nada 8). A lil kooky and always one to listen to me rant n moan (n sometimes rant n moan with me :P), shes defo been a highlight for me on msn 8)

Greengoblin-He's blatantly admitted he enoys da 'pr0n' lol that alone reserves him a mention :P. Anywhoo a fellow ps3age fan-man, the guys married so surely that gets him outa the 'boy' zone :P. Haven't really got to know much over anythin besides GS, but he did at least scalpel my ass all over chicago in a 1n1 deathmatch on R2 :P.

Graywolf-The absolute defination of the term 'badass'...least accordin to her lol :P But yeah, a total hothead who seems to have just as much, if not more, built up hatred n frustration as me :P. Always getting suspended, always moaning aboot whatever the hell she wants nuttin can stop her!?!, she could very well become our worlds very first super-villian :P wonder what her nickname would be...8)

Hintaki-Uberly friendly and always willing to comment, though from what i can tell not always that sure just what shes commentin on lol oj :P. usually the first to my commenting table also which these days to me could garner her a place in my will :lol:

Horseyjesse-Again another one whos almost overloading with smiley faces and kindness to all :P. Haven't had her tracked for all that long, but still from what i've learnt shes quite a truimpth for gamer-girls everywere :P. Beatin cliffy B on GoW2 and being quite the looker :P shes lowered the lamness scale of having gaming asa hobby far as i'm concerned 8) lol

There the peeps who espiecally stood out for me over GS, sure there may of been others and i apologise to anyone who thought they deserved a mention, but...well...unlucky? lol :twisted:

Ok you got yah end of year blog, now get outa my profile lol oj :P