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Moi + 360 (Impatience x lack of) - any lasting funds= What the Flanel?!?

Nooo I didn't get suspended again surprisingly :P, haven't blogged in a while, more os aboot this 360 ting, due to me...well just notfeeling so dandy frankly. Lil depressed actually, lack of motivation,sleepfull days,all the usual symptoms.

Bbut whatever, not going to dwell on that matter 8).

So, 360, for anyone whos managed to learn the simple fact of me being a total PS FanMan since day 1....004000 or so, when I was 6 and recently played ''Loaded'' on my cousins PS1, would find me even contemplating getting a 360, when the PS3 should surely satisfy my nerdish needs :P, a lil surprising.Well in fact even I was a lil shocked to find me wanting to add a 360 to my overall console club, but as the exclusives pass by and comparisons are drawn...I felt to myself how much more satisfying it would be to simply have both, its what everyone says, to be able to experience all of what gaming has to offer obviously owning all consoles to play them on is quite a necessity.

Though speaking of which I could very easily find myself living without the Wii :twisted:

Now it doesn't necessarily matter, since I have a lack of funds, all of which come from EMA which doesn't last long..yupp stiiill jobless :roll:....and i expect for me to afford one of MS's box's of faults, glitchs and a damn good amount of exclusive titles, I would possibley have to make a few sacrifices most of which I'de assume i wouldn't go through with :P oooor possibley just wait till the 720 or whatever gets released :|

Lol either way, thought I'de at least post up a small list of Professional will the lameness ever end?!?

Sooo, the Pro's

-Great amount of exclusives, most of which do look very appealing.

-Theres a much larger community, to which belongs the only people I know who play games.

-The Lost and Damned DLC for GTA4, seriously....I can't help but craaaave it :?

-It is, overall, fairly cheap.

-No more accusations of fanboyism :P not like i get any, but it would open up a few new rights when concernin the comparison updates n system wars :twisted:

There may be a few smallish upsides too that I've probably forgotten over the past whenever i'de imagine the good of owning a 360, but there definatley the highs of what i can remember. Now onto the negative, my favourite :P

-I don't care what anyone says, from plenty of other peoples experiences it is seriously a faulty piece of hardware, sure some may have had theirs without a single crash or breakdown, but that doesn't make up for the people who go through them like every year.

-MS even for a business' own standardsare pretty damn selfish.

-Some games do require upto possibely four discs to contain the whole game.

-It has a much larger community, thus a load more imature ********

-I am still admittedly on the PS side of the pitch :P

-Gotta pay for online play

Pretty even scale I'de say, to which yeah could be matched with the PS3's own pros n cons, but still thats already become part of my rooms own atmosphere so nothings gonna take that away :P.

Soo then, feel free to encourage, discourage or evencondemn me for my views :P because theres still agood few reasons for both sides so I may eventually sway either way.