Metal Gear Solid 4
Overall Critic score-9.3
Overall Player score-9.4
My score-9.0
Now admittedly, MGS4 for me is one of the closest of our next-gen sequels to be able to share the same quality from its predeccesors, but then theirs also some considering it ''the'' greatest game of all time or at least the best MGS so far.
But its not aboot other peoples opinions, its aboot mine!! :P
And in comparison its a strong contender but MGS4 is still not as great overall as MGS3: Snake Eater. MGS4 has its many small improvements from snake eater, but overall I definatly find myself siding with the klassic sneaking adventure of MGS3 rather than the action shooter/sneaking hybrid of MGS4.
Any ''klassic'' contacts of me should (u bloody better!! :P) remember a dozen or so blogs concerning a detailed comparison between MGS3 and MGS4. Well of course i'm not gonna write it all up again, but the jist was that Snake eater excelled as a sneaking game overall, had much more engaging boss battles, much easier to follow story which also had that much more emotion IMO and theres not many who can say they prefer to walk around as a skinsack of rusty bones and stiff joints rather than a young interpretation of where those rusty bones and stiff joints came from :P by which i mean Big Boss himself 8).
MGS4 had an unchallenged graphical excellence, but so did MGS3 at the time I'de bet. MGS4 as a sequel, upped the overal length of the game by a good 5 hours or so, surprisingly though the extra 5 hours were made up of custscenes.
Now I'm not going into moaning aboot the lengthy cutscenes, because i'm a fan of them I can tell yah that much, but MGS4, even for MGS standards, really dragged them on. MGS3 always had me watching through them all, because they always seemed to be at the right pace. MGS4 however certaintly had a many through which just dragged on...and on...with all this nonsensical...nonsense thats all trying to piece togethers the entire saga's story arc. It got tiring after multible playthroughs frankly and without the cutscenes your left with an unbelievably short game when the gameplays concerned.
But again, MGS4 is an outstanding game by all means, but of course when compared to MGS3 and MGS3-Subsistence in particular it can't match up I'm afraid....IMO 8).
Silent Hill Homecoming
Overall Critic score-7.3
Overall Player score-8.1
My score-8.5
Silent Hill Homecoming, or sometimes known as Silent Hill 5, is another series that has recently had a move to our current gen after starting a decade back on the golden age of the PS1.
Now it may not be too fair to add this in, since frankly no SH game after SH3 has really even come close to giving the same experience. I've given SH-HC a pretty generous score some would say, but its for different reasons that what a SH game should give.
SH-HC after SH4 brought back some its original roots, including the radio and flashlight, but even so didn't really manage to be even vaguely scary. It was very atmospheric, that i'll admit, and sometimes it did have an eerieness to it. Traversing through the Shepards home was one such occasion that didgave me a slight sense of discomfort.
Plenty of its themes and own trademark $tyle was missing, which could very well be due to its alteration of a developer. The physological aspect was sorely missed in SH-HC. As was the almost abrupt isolation. In SH games your usually on your own to fend off the many fiends and freaks you come across, since they were either created solely by your characters own psyche or were able to be ignored by most. SH-HC gave you the monsters as if they were brought in through some dimensional portal, all characters can come into contact and thus occasionally this has you working with some characters.
Which for me, SH was at its best when you were truelly on your own with no means of gaining any reliable assistance. Some of the enemies at that really felt out of place, the nurses were welcome in the opening hospital level but appearing in an abandoned hotel seemed peculiar...
Graphically it brought with it all what next-gen was offering, fantastic production values for the enviroments and especially speaking for the transition to the other world.
But...just like all the other series ive mentioned it falls short of giving me what I really wanted out of the next-gen experience of a series i've been playing for years now. I see a very depressing pattern forming here :(
Next part will feature Resident Evil 5...and nothing but! :P