Is the title of the gold trophy i got for completing resistance 2 on Superhuman mode 8). Yeah...thats :P in some ways its me letting loose my bragging rights 8) but for the most part its because i tink it has a rather 'lol' name lol :P
It was actually not as tough as i was expecting, superhuman mode I mean. Probably from the amount of hours i've put into R2 has gotten me to become some sort of resistance mutant :? or maybe it really isn't just that tough to complete. Etheir way, I am now part of the many who has been given the title....of OMGWTFBBQ :lol:
So yeah, blog finished...well i've seen plenty of ppl post pointless blogs of their latest game they just purchased, or an overly long list of games they've completed....seriously wtf O.o i figured a pointless blog aboot my latest golden nugget of a gaming ego booster should suffice for me latest blog i feel all dirty :?