I try to have one game per system in the currently playing section of my profile. For the rest of this month and the next, I'll be playing Doom 3(PC) and 007 night fire(xbox). Doom 3 is an incredible game. It's not nearly as good as HL2 but it has it's high points. IT's a very dark setting and the ammo supply in the first and second missions are very limited. i'm playing just like the manual says to:"A Note of Cation: Doom 3 is a terrifying Sci-Fi Horror game experience. It is not recommended for the cowardly or the faint of heart. However, for those who dare to face Doom 3 as it was intended; lock your door, turn of the lights, and turn up your sound. -Enjoy Doom 3" Do far it's freaking the heck out of me, demons and zombies sneaking up behind me. And playing with surround-sound is more than terrifying( I've had to look over my shoulder and check to make sure that the zombies were just in my monitor.) Wish me luck as i embark on this quest.
-I would recommend Doom 3 to anyone that loves horror movies, likes first-person shooters and be sure to have a top-notch computer! (RAM RAM RAM)
"The Gateway to Hell is Open"