Games I Own

Game Release Date GameSpot Score Nick_don's Score

Ace Combat 6: Kaihou e no Senka


Battlefield: Bad Company


BioHazard 4: Wii Edition




Condemned 2


Condemned: Criminal Origins


Dead Rising


Dead Space


Deus Ex


Diablo II


Diablo II: Lord of Destruction (Re-release)


Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition


Fable II



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Fallout 2

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Fallout 3


Far Cry 2


Forza Motorsport 2


Gears of War 2


Grand Theft Auto IV


Left 4 Dead




Lost Odyssey


Mass Effect


Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Platinum)


Midnight Club: Los Angeles


MotorStorm: Pacific Rift


Ninja Gaiden II


Planescape: Torment

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Senjou no Valkyria


Shadow of the Colossus


The Orange Box


Tom Clancy's EndWar


Uncharted: Drake's Fortune


Viva Pinata: Party Animals


Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise


Wii Fit


Wii Sports
