It really isn't a big thing ... no wait it is.
For several reasons, first the public hates being lied to, which is what he did and what every company does, but they usually do not get caught, second had he mentioned "oh btw i am a bioware employee" this won't even be a forum topic, why is this bad ? well it violates the fair competition agreement and hammers self advertisement on a peer that is supposed to be impartial as a review site.
Ramifications are much bigger actually, because of these reviews that company could(not saying it surely will) drop down in stock price and lets say drop by 10% that is 10% out of a company worth lets say 10 KKK , that would mean they just lost 1 KKK that's a lot of cash right ? But who cares EA has the backbone to overcome yet another failure for them, while we ordinary people sit in the dirt and play with sticks.
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