DS gives you the responsibility - you have to find your way, you have to learn how things work, you have to overcome the enemies, you have to piece together the "story" - and that makes every experience, every small victory your own and incredibly satisfying. However it also makes every failure your own and some people would rather pass them off to be failures of the game instead. And perhaps they can be considered faults of the game, however these "faults" (among other things - the game has much to offer) are what make it so appealing to and loved by the rest of us.
Basically Dark Souls is definitely not for everyone. I'm not going to apologise for it - I think it's a fantastic game regardless of whether you personally enjoy playing it or not, and is one of the best gaming experiences I ever had - but I understand why it some people (like Justin) don't like it and that's ok. Though I will say those people are missing out.
There was Charlie Brooker's "How Video Games Changed the World" on TV a few weeks back, which is probably the best attempt at bringing games onto that medium to date but still didn't achieve what I'd hoped it would. It didn't say anything interesting to me as a gamer (as it was mostly stuff I already knew or had heard said better elsewhere) but nor did it describe and explain games and gaming in a way that would cause me to recommend it to a non-gamer. This wouldn't annoy me so much if more of these programs were being made (increasing the chance one would be good), but I have to wait years for just one gaming related show, whilst I could turn on the TV at any time of any day and find dozens of programmes about buying and selling antiques.
I've watched all of these Skyrim mod shows since they started way back when, but have yet to play any Skyrim at all. Happily I just got it in the steam sale, but seeing as I can't remember all of the great mods that have appeared over the past 2 years, I will have to watch them all again. Looking forward to it.
If you want to sit around chatting with people for hours, couldn't you just do that without the board game? Or if you wanted to play a video game, there's always local play?
Not saying board games are bad, but there are many other things you could do to get the same social experience. Why not make the next show about going to the pub?
I'm convinced there's a difference between 30 and 60 fps, as I thought the Gamespot videos had been looking different recently but didn't know the cause til now.
I guess if you want to improve the influence of Feedbackula, you could dedicate part of the show to clever and insightful comments. It would increase the number of thoughtful comments posted whilst highlighting just how childish most of these comments are.
NickyWithATicky's comments