Nicren / Member

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Supernatural Season finale

Y'know. I think I might stop watching new tv series until the entire series has ended and is no longer on tv. That way if I just buy the series on dvd and start watching it from scratch then, I wont have to wait 3 months or more between seasons, I'll only have to wait the period of time it takes me to switch's a very tempting idea :)

Unfortunately it's too late for me in regards to Supernatural. I'm already caught hook, line, sinker, net and I'm actually frying in the pan with a little butter spread over me for taste!

The season finale was suspenseful in a way that I have not been a part of for a long time. It was excellent television in my opinion and that's something that you can't say often in this last decade. I'm very nearly emotionally exhausted now, I've spent the last few hours on the supernatural forums listening to everyone else's OMGS! and adding a few of my own delicately selected omgs.

I don't really want to go any further into what happened, and why it excited/amazed/astonished/overwhelmed/etc etc etc me in the episode for the following reasons;

1. No one reads my blog but me!

2. You have to see it to understand what I mean anyway

3. If you have seen it, then you already understand everything anyway!

So, here's an end to another pointless blog in this blog driven world and a screw you to current tv, I'm taking my dvd's and I'm not going to watch you anymore (sticks tongue out at the tv)