I've decided that I'll be going on a bit of a spree with some Hitchcock and Kubrick films. Why these two directors? Mostly because they're both very highly praised directors and I haven't seen many of their films. Another reason why would be because I just figured out that a lot of Hitchcock's movies star actors that I've been interested in, as of late. Those actors being Jimmy Stewart and Cary Grant.
So that's my plan for a little while. I'm hoping to jump on these movies after I watch Yojimbo and Sanjuro (not earlier because I checked these two out from the library and they're due back on friday). I'll list the movies I plan on watching below and well as the movies that I've already seen. Any suggestions/comments would be appreciated.
Hitchcock (seen):
Kubrick (seen):
-Dr. Strangelove
-2001: A Space Odyssey
-A Clockwork Orange
-The Killing
Hitchcock (going to see):
-Rear Window (seeing it on tuesday in my film cl@ss)
-North by Northwest
-The Wrong Man
-The Man Who Knew Too Much
-Strangers on a Train
-To Catch a Thief
-Dial M for Murder
-Shadow of a Doubt
Kubrick (going to see):
-Barry Lyndon
-Full Metal Jacket
-The Shining
-Paths of Glory