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Star Fox 64: High Scores

So my roommate and I have gotten pretty serious about Star Fox 64 after the 360 died a while back. Oh by the way my 360 died and it's got the 2 rings of death. I can't remember what exactly happened to it but something is wrong with the thermal paste on the gpu and cpu and now it permanently thinks that it's overheating even when it's cool. It sucks, but whatever, Star Fox holds much more importance now.

Alright so I'll go ahead and say that we're not very "pro" players when it comes to SF64, but we're better than average. We're pretty serious about the game now. So I thought that I'd post our current High scores over all and high scores for each planet:

Current High Score: 1725 (updated)

Updated: I finally did a high score run after putting it off for a while. First time either me or my roommate broke 1700, so I'm pretty pleased about that. This wasn't combined, this was all me. The high points of this run were Meteo, which I completely dominated. I did on par with my roommate on X which helped. I also did better than normal on Area 6 (still not as good as my roommate though). So as of now I hold the high score, but I wonder how long that will last...

Anyway, I've also updated the individual level scores on the bottom and will continue to do so for a while. (most likely until I decide to make a new blog post, but I don't see that happening for a while)

Level High Scores:
(I'll say the level and who got it)

Corneria: 202 (Roommate (updated))

Meteo: 362 (Me (updated))

Sector Y: 162 (Roommate)

Katina: 194 (Me (updated))

Aquas: 161 (Roommate)

Fortuna: I don't know actually, we avoid this level like the plague for our runs.
(I'd guess around high 50's or so)

Zoness: 294 (Me (updated))

Solar: Not sure, we got the medal though. Again we avoid this level

Sector X: 240 (Me (Updated))

Macbeth: 208 (Me (Updated))

Sector Z: 109 (Roommate)
(We hardly do this level as well, We've both got the medal, my run for Z is off the charts now, but I think I had something like 108 or something of the sort)

Titania:200ish (Me (Updated))

Area 6: 463 (Me (Updated))
(we usually average in the 400 range here (Updated))

Bolse: Around 160-170ish

Venom A: 160 something I guess...

Venom B: 228
(we both have this as well, we got the extra hit by hitting Andross's eyes with a charge shot)

So there you go, as you can see my Roommate is certainly the better player, but I trump him by a considerable mark on Meteo and Macbeth. my main levels of interest at the moment are Corneria (I see 200 as very possible), Aquas (I have yet to get the medal on this level, freaking starfish :x), Zoness (this level is just for fun, but I've got around 256 or so; I can get the medal easily, but that's about it...) and of course I'll always be working to improve Meteo (I want 350 damn it!) and Macbeth (I don't think there's much more I can do here...).

UPDATES for the above paragraph: I hold a few more levels now. Most notable Zoness, which I'm very proud of. I'll try to top it at some point. The unfortunate thing is that i have to improve the Hard run (red path, minus Z) just so that I can get on the ranking list. Our lowest score right now is like 1489 or something of the sort and i can just beat 1500 on the hard route. Oh and I got my wish. I broke 350 on Meteo. :D

More Updates: I can now break 1600 on the hard path (minus Sector Z) and I've now gotten the medal on every level minus Solar. (damn you solar!) and I put up some of my scores for Bolse and Titania. I also changed Venom to A and B. A being the normal venom and B being the venom where you fight Star Wolf. The main issue is that my last run where I played Bolse, Venom A and Titania is that it wasn't high enough to make it on the ranking list. As such I had to guesstimate some of my scores for it. You get the main idea...

That's all, I've just really wanted to make a Star Fox post cause I thought our last run was very impressive. Share your scores and feel free to give tips.