assassins creed, nice job getting gears, nice job getting obliv, guitar hero 2 or 3, forza 2. also idk if u got it or not but get xbox live gold. it makes every multiplayer game atleast 60 times better
You know your parents more than anyone on here does. Figure it out yourself. And if they cant be convinced then theres not much you can do about it, unless you play it at a friends or get your lazy self off the computer(im jm)and get a job so you can just go and buy it.s3anx7007
hes kinda right, u know ur parents the best. but try getting one of ur friends who look old to go and just buy the game for u if u care that much. or tell them its teaching u a good lesson by saving earth, and go into a long explanation on how you are saving earth and maybe theyll buy it so u shut up
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