Too many people seem to be confusing the concept of a franchise with direct sequels. Red Dead Redemption may have not had much left over for a Red Dead Redemption 2 but there's plenty of stories Rockstar can explore under the Red Dead franchise header.
This is why I love Take-Two. They let the developers take their time making a great game instead of mass producing a product that cycles between 2 or 3 teams so they can shit one out every year.
Oh, I know. Give the fans our old canon back. I wouldn't be half as opposed to an LoS-style game if they didn't decide to throw the original canon out for no reason.
I hear so many good things about CD Projekt Red and from everything I read about them it seems like the praise is well earned.
I purchased The Witcher on Steam about 6 months ago for dirt cheap and still haven't played it yet...I should probably get on that. I love supporting developers that keep games their priority.
Maybe if we didn't have to jump through hoops in order to play past-gen games that number would be higher than 5% (which is a figure I don't entirely believe.) Trying to play Mercenaries: PoD on the 360 is a headache, especially with the map glitches and constant freezing.
Was nothing learned from the rise and fall of Guitar Hero? Why do these companies not get get the message that flooding the market with any franchise is going to lead to consumer fatigue?
NightStalkerBX's comments