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Dungeon Siege 3

Dungeon Siege is a FRP game. But its interestingly different than other Dungeon Siege games. First of all you don't have any pets. Of course you can summon some creatures to help you but you cant buy one. Good part is whatever you do it affects game's future and ending. Dialogues are well prepared so you will not get bored while you are reading them. İf you don't like to read you can always skip but I recommend you to read them. Skills are really good but your character is not a custom one. I mean you can't change your character's role unlike early Dungeon Siege games. You have four possible character choices. Lucas is the warrior, he can use one-handed swords and shield or two-handed swords. His abilities are more likely single targeted but this game gives you more than one target every time. You will be dealing with 5 or more enemies at same time. At first his abilities are one targeted but two-handled is kind of an AoE (Area of Effect). You can customize your skills after leveling up. You can increase damage or add some splash damage, every skill has different customization options. Anyway second character is Anjali, she is some sort of ancient creature, more like a mythical being. She has two forms, first one is human form. At human for she uses staff and martial arts. Second one is fire form, at fire form she can teleport while dodging (I really don't know what is the difference between dodge and teleport. I think both works to escape and avoid damage.) Third one is Katarina, she is a rogue, she can use dual weapon or a rifle. She is a hit and run character. And finally the best one Reinhart. Reinhart is a battle mage or some sort of alchemist. He can use some sort of orb to hit enemies at range or he can hit them with a circuit like glove at close range. He is very powerful, when he is using his long range orb he can cast areal skills, very powerful areal skills. At close range mode he can throw a lightning to a target dealing High amount of damage. You can even use lightning at the end game boss.
Anyway, game is really good. Way too different than first and second Dungeon Siege. Hardcore mode is too hard to play and normal mode is too easy to play. But normal mode can be challenging afterwards. Camera can be pain in the A**.

Fear 3

F.3.A.R. is a FPS game. Fear is telling us a very interesting story of Alma and our character Point Man. I don't want to give any spoiler so I will give some information about first two games, not about their story but about their game-play and their success in horror FPS game genre. I still can't finish the first FEAR game because I'm scared like hell. I don't know why but first fear was really scary. They couldn't reached that success at second game. So I've finished the second one and to be honest I peed in my pants at some parts. This game is better than second one but not scary as first one. And action in this game is far more better than first two games. First of all this game has level system which is a big change in game-play. For example you can jump kick at first level you have to become second level to improve your martial arts. And leveling up also gives you more focus (I don't know what to call that meter...) and hp regeneration or more hp percentage.
More importantly in this game you can play Paxton Fettel. Who can control enemies bodies and use psychic blasts.
I've played this game single and coop. Of course its better while playing coop, but maybe too easy compare to single player. Ending is really interesting, game has two endings. So If you liked the first game and disappointed by the second one give this game a shot.

Hunted The Demon's Forge

Finally I've finished the game, it took some time because I kinda hurt my ankle so it was hard use keyboard but I did my best. SO in the end Hunted is a really good game. I don't know why but its making you play it. You can't continue your life without finishing it. Game has three endings two bad one good. Bad endings are actually awesome because they make you feel something. You can't forget the last workds at both bad endings. But ironically good ending is little retarded. I don't want to spoil the ending so I'M SAYING THIS IS SPOILER.
At the ending if one of the characters drinked the sleg he/ she killing the other one so he/ she can be the next "slave of sleg". (i have no idea about the name of the creature) At bad ending you see Caddoc or E'lara at some sort of paradise, Caddoc says "I... I always said you'd be the death of me" which is touchy. And E'lara says "I'm sorry old man... I never should have tocuhed that stone..." which is also touchy. But in the good ending no one turns into "slave of sleg" and after they talk about where to go to make some money you see a scene where a rat wanders arond ending place. And camera zooms into rat and you see rat has white eye so it is "slave of sleg" which is pretty stupid.

So when it comes to rate game is pretty good not boring puzzles and secret places makes game more playable. Skills action and weapons are pretty entertaining. Bad ending is pure awesomeness.

But there are bad sides too. First of all like I said before good ending is pretty bad/ retarded/ **** There are too many bugs/ glitches. Execution is really bad never works OK. Cinematics are kinda boring.

But I will gladly give this game 7 points out of 10 because of skills and couple of nice hours filled with action.

Taken from


Now I'm offically in Germany and I couldn't played last Tomb Raider. And now I'm far far away from my main computer and my xbox360. This sucks this is my fourth day here and didn't played since I came here...

Lara Croft and The Guardian of Light

I was a huge fan of Tomb Raider series. I've played all of them including last ones. And everyone says that latest games of Tomb Raider sucks. I don't know why but i liked them like I liked Tomb Raider 3. (TR3 was awesome) I was a big fan of Angel of Darkness. I was playing it when I broke my leg.

Like Tomb Raider I love third person shooters (also playing fps rts rpg ... anything but sports). When I saw Guardian of Light it was a big shock to me. Because it's isometric. Why isometric why? I still can't understand it. And unlimited ammo??!!

But suprisingly games is getting great scores from game magazines and especially from So I will give it a shot. I'm currently on vacation but i will be at home on 4th of September. And I will play this game and write everything here at my blog.

Cya at September 5.

My All Time Favourite Games

I'm playing games(pc,console) since 1995.And now im 18 years old.That means i have played lots of games since 1995.

And im making my top five games because i cant find good games nowadays.Im searchin on google for top games.So im making this to help gamesrs like me.I hope it helps.

1-Deus Ex 2:Invisible War (PC,XBOX)

Deus Ex 2 Invisible War

Iloved this games because u can upgrade your body with biomods.These mods are helping you to taking control of turrets,hacking computers,walking silently etc.And its story is good.9/10.

2-Vampire Masquerade Bloodlines (PC)

Vampire Masquerade Bloodlines

At this one u have lots of abilities like persuade,hacking,lockpickng,using firearms,using melee weapons and vampire skills.Vampire skills are changing clan to Malkavian can be invisible but Brujah can't.9/10.

3-Diablo II (PC,MAC)

Diablo 2

I guess many of you know this game.This game is can choose one of 5 characters(In exp. u can choose between 7 character).Barbarian,Necromancer,Sorcerer,Amazon,Paladin(Exp. Assasin,Druid).the all have diffrent abilities.And your aim is killing Diablo.Also this game is 2D.10/10.

4-X-Men Legends 2 (PC,PS2,PSP,XBOX)

X-Men Legends 2:Rise Of Apocalypse

This one is RPG too.This game contains nearly all of marvel characters (Exept Hulk,DareDevil,Elektra,Spider-Man (wow too much ok eer.. this game contains nearly all X-Men characters and some of other marvel characters.)).I choose this game because u can play it 4 players(Co-op).And after finishing it u can play it hard difficult.8/10.

5-Command And Conquer Red Alert 3 (PC,Xbox360,PS3,MAC)

Command And Conquer Red Alert 3

This is a very good strategy game.You can choose between,Soviet,Alliance,RisingSun.I also recommend Red Alert 2. 8/10.

Also Guitar Hero Series,Command And Conquer Tiberium Wars,Max Payne 1-2,Freelancer ...

If i remember any games i will update this page...CYA