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Moving on to W.o.W s newest expansion, CATACLYSM

Been away from Gamespot for a month or so, and stopped playing Aion. Had a great time with it, the pvp was fantastic. Due to real life, wasnt able to play for awhile so I kind of fell away from it.

Now that World of Warcrafts newest expansion is almost here, I will be switching to that on Dec 7th. I have the feeling this will be Blizzards last expansion before its popularity starts declining. 2011 is going to be a HUGE year as far as MMOs are concerned. With SWTOR, RIFT, GW2, and a few others, Blizzard is going to lose alot of subscribers.

Now that being said, Im going to focus on this last expansion knowing it will be, personally, my last with WOW. I loved the game for many years, but the content is beyond old. Even with a new expansion, thats only going to take people so far before they experience the all too familar feeling of burn out.

Before that happens, Im going to try and view it with a fresh eye, roll a warlock goblin, play the new rated battlegrounds, and level up either my mage, hunter or shadow priest to 85..Cant decide which yet.

So, ill be checking back in after launch to give a few updates on what I experience, and look forward to doing so...Peace