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Gaming Updates and Rant about FF7 Ebay Pricing

This is mostly a quick update on where I'm at in the gaming world currently. I started playing New Super Marios Brothers again last night, I like it, but I hate that you can only save in specific times during the main game, it's so annoying to have to time play sessions vs. how many shines I've collected.

I've beaten Kingdom Hearts after only 3 weeks. Total play time was around 60 hours or so. The only things I didn't accomplish were synthesizing everything and winning the gold and platinum cups. I'm going to go back and do those and then beat it again to get the secret ending.

As to Tales of Legendia, I finished up to Chloe's character quest (SenelxChole <3) and I'm starting on Moses' quest soon. That is truly a kickass game, not as good as Symphonia, mainly because of the 2d battle system (where'd my fun 3d go! ;-;) and the map (no flying? AHHHH!). However, it's still killer fun and I hope to get 10-20 more hours out of it.

I'm going to start playing Metroid Prime Hunters, Mario Kart and Animal Crossing WW again once I finish off the PS2 games. I really have a bad habit of never completely finishing games, and I hope to over the course of this year completely finish every game I've ever owned (cept pokemon, you 150+ monsters can go screw yourselves, I'm not wasting my time to "catch em all" >.>).

Now to general news. If you haven't seen, I've recieved the tagger emblem, wohoo! I'm already at 'Tagger Dabbler'; I should've done this ages ago, it's so easy to get, and it adds a nice splash of color to my emblem profile. Who knows, maybe by this time next year I'll be a Tagger King!

Also, I just started checking on ebay for a used copy of FF7, and I've got to say, who the hell decide to make the game this rare? I just put a $60 bid in! That's most likely all my tip money for the first camp counseling session you fools! I know it's a great game, but my god, I've never paid that much for any video game, ever! I'm actually hoping I get outbid now, if worse comes to worse I'll borrow a copy. If any kind ebayer will sell for a decent price, please send word, I'm poor and would like to be able to get more than 1 game with this session's tip money! ;-;

That's all for now. A quick BTW, if anyone knows how to get the speed runner, walking commercial, or generally any special emblems, please give a holler, I'd like to add a few more emblems to my still vastly tiny collection. Much thanks!
