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I BEAT KH2!!! (And a note about my upcoming absence)

I've finally done it. I beat KH2 tonight. I thought I wasn't going to be able to accomplish it before I leave for Canada tomorrow morning, but I beat it, and I'm so happy. It was pretty easy, except for the last battle, which gave me a little bit of a difficult time. The ending cutscene was so heartwarming too, I actually cried at the very end a little, it was really moving. And now there's a possibility for a KH3!! Wohoo! This is a good time.

Now I'm going to watch PotC: CotBP, which I've actually never seen before. It's ironic that I played the KH2 level before I saw the movie xD. I'm pulling an allnighter tonight because I have to leave at quarter to five tomorrow morning on my long journey up the East Coast to Moose Country, and it's not worth it to sleep. We're doing a 10 hour ride to just across the border, then grabbing a hotel, and on Sunday we're hitting Halifax for a few days before heading to Cape Breton. This means a few things:

1. I won't have access to a computer on Saturday.
2. Depending on circumstances, I may not have a computer until Wednesday the 16th. This depends on whether I can get access to a computer at my cousin's apartment in Halifax or not. (You know, this would've been a really good time to have that Opera web browser for my DS...)

So you won't be seeing me around for a little while. Don't let the entire gaming community collapse without me, ok? ;)

I'll be stuck playing all DS and GBA games while I'm gone. Hopefully this will mean some shmexy game reviews for you all when I return :D. And I'll probably post my KH2 review while in Canada when I get the chance. Adios for now!
