So I went to the mall tonight for some shopping, and while we were mozying around, what do I spot but a Wii display smack dab in the middle! After oogling someone playing Twilight Princess, I GOT TO TRY IT!!!
First off, I was still torn between whether I'd be getting the Wii or GC version of TP. After trying this out however, I'm waiting for the Wii for Xmas. My MOTHER actually got excited when she saw all this, so she's buying a second controller so I can verse her in Wii sports xD.
Control scheme took a little getting used to, but by the end of the demo I was kicking ASS. Swinging the remote to use the sword was SO cool. It doesn't even take that much movement either, and I started using spin attacks by the end. The pointer is gonna take a little getting used to. I'm sure after some practice I'll be able to aim more easily. The one thing I wish I could've done was ride Epona. I did the dungeon demo, so no horse play yet ;-;. The graphics are BEAUTIFUL. I'm totally using the large TV to play once I get it. I was amazed by how wonderful everything looked.
I'm too excited now. Screw the PS3. I'll be having awesome fun this year with my Wii, and if I'm lucky, the 360 too.
~An Extremely Elated Nighthawk~
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