A few updates for now. Boring day for the most part, but I ended up getting my muse back recently, which is really nice since I hadn't really written since camp started. I'm a little shaky, but I'm getting there. I also made myself a background for my desktop, Hoobastank theme. It's no Picasso, but it's nice to look at for me.
I'm going to do some major gaming tomorrow, I'm psyched. I'm going to a friend's house with 2 other friends, and we're going to have a gaming extravaganza. I'll probably bring over SSBM and FF:CC with saves on an extra card. I haven't gotten to do multiplayer on consoles in a while, so I'm psyched about that. I love gaming alone, but sometimes I just really need to own one of my friends :D. Hopefully it won't be vice versa.
I've become an Officer in the Addicted Gamers Union, wohoo! It's a fun little union that just started for more-than-casual gamers, and so far it's turned out to be awesome. I invite all who read my blog to join us over there and help us grow :) (Oh come on, did you think I wouldn't push you there a tiny bit? :P)
I leave you tonight with some sites worth checking out. Sorry for the obvious self promotion, I've gotta make ends meet somehow ;).
And on a last note, everyone must download the song "If Only" by Hoobastank. SO FREAKIN AWESOME!!!
www.nookbay.com - if you're still addicted to the Animal Crossing Universe, come join us over on the larges AC auction site on the web. Our forum is always bouncing as well as our Livechat system, and we've got a friendly community. Plus I'm a board moderator. How much friendlier could you get? ;)
http://www.fanfiction.net/~nighthawkmoonshadow - For those of you who are into fanfiction, I write a lot of Will and Grace fanfic, mostly WillxJack. I've also got a Tales of Symphonia oneshot stuck in there ;)
http://www.ugoplayer.com/animation/declineofvideogaming.html - this is probably the best series of flash animation I've ever watched. It's basically a team of guys parodying various games and systems, but all in good fun. Start with this first one and move on through Decline 2, Decline Christmas, and Decline 3, you'll enjoy the inside gaming jokes and maybe learn some new ones.
www.askaninja.com - Ever have questions that no one could answer? Ever had questions about ninjas specifically that you wish a real one could answer. Well, now's your chance to hear a "real" ninja talk about what it's like to live a ninjay life. Seriously, this is a great podcast that shouldn't be missed, it takes PG humor to a new level. Plus the ninja suit is awesome oo/ >.< oo/
www.urbandead.com - A simple zombie infestation game. You become a person trapped in Malton a city recently infected by a zombie virus. Your object? Simply survive. There is no way to "win" so far, but you won't play to win, you'll play to kick zombie (or human, if you decide to go with the zombies) ass.
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