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Phantom Hourglass Review, GTA IV, and Guitar Hero

I posted my first game review in nearly 2 years, Phantom Hourglass, newly finished after my plane ride to California. I also spent the week there playing New Super Mario Brothers on and off, which made me appreciate that little gem even more.

GTAIV is amazing. I'm a little annoyed that I STILL haven't unlocked Algonquin, but according to the GS game guide, I'm only about 1/4 of the way through, so I suppose it comes with time. I've watched Republican Space Rangers, tried to outrun a six star rating on the bridge to Algonquin, killed more drug dealers than I thought possible, competed in a street drag race, got lucky multiple times, and I'm still only 1/4 of the way through. Dear GOD, how, how the hell did a game like this come to be? It's a freaking MIRACLE.

Still awaiting Guitar Hero: Aerosmith and the handheld one. Yes, I'm going to get both somehow. And then by the grace of a higher power, find a college roomie who wants to split the cost of World Tour with me. Because it is indeed necessary to get my rocking on. Though who knows how I'll pull it off on my poor college budget. Ah well, que sera sera.