Just finished the playthrough of The Hobbit. It's not a horrible game, but not the best ever either. Expect a review up sometime this week, probably Thursday or Friday because I'm off on Friday and will have time :D.
Xmas anticipation is killing me. It's only December 3rd, and I'm counting the minutes till the 25th. I'm also looking forwards to the day after, when I take all the money I've gotten and go on a fun shopping spree. Not a dime of it is going in to my bank account. I'm spending it all on fun (and also to pay back mom for money I need for presents :D). I doubt I'll get enough to afford a 360, but a girl cna dream. Speaking of 360s, for their backwards compadibility, how good is it? Will I be able to connect online to play Halo 2, and all the other classic games for the Xbox? A detailed analysis of backwards compadibilty for the 360 would be much appreciated if anyone knows enough.
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